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Name Priest
Age 19 years
Homestone The Pirate ship Portsbane
Caste Green (Physician)
Blacksmith- Training unfinished
Black (Assassin)- Training unfinished*

*No record would show Priest as being trained as a Black, as his teacher taught him in silence. Later LoneWolf was rumored to be slain, and Priest was pardoned by an unknown Elder of the Black Caste, Who also took Priests training in silence, as he was later killed.
Description Slender, with more muscle then most His age. Priest has short white hair, which alludes M/most to its origin, though His adopted Father, ELric, is known to have the same. Priest keeps a braided strand of His hair uncut, dangling infront of His left eye (unhindering vision). He is often seen with a small orange Ost painted on His neck, His trademarked nickname during His training as a Black. While He is smaller then most, he is strong enough to wield a longsword in one hand proficiently.
Money 2 Gold Tarns
39 Silver Tarns
Clothing/Jewelery Loose black leather's. Not so loose that they hinder movement, but loose enough to cause some difficulty to target His legs. A white, short sleeved silk shirt which is covered partially by a black leather vest. Black boots.
Weapons 1 Spatha (30" length so it can be wielded in one hand)
1 Gladius
1 Round Shield (30" across)
1 Hornbow
Quiver of Tuchuk Barbed Arrows(15/20)
10 Capture Darts
1 Ar Killing Knife
1 Sleen Knife
Pouch (and items therein) Jar of Agrimony (18/20)
Jar of Cayenne Paste (18/20)
Pre-threaded Sutures (20/20)
Jar of Capture Scent (20/20)
Jar of Honey (9/10)
Pouch of Kanda Leaves (20/20)
Dressings/Bandages (29/30)
Pouch of Willow Strips (19/20)
8 Leather Bindings
8 Rep clothes
Flint stone(Fire Starter)
Overall Assets/Possessions Large Ram Ship (Scythe)