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The world of Talla

In the grim future the human race has been plagued by war after war, as new worlds were formed old ones were destory in the endless conflicts. Many boarded massive ship's called ark's in hopes of starting a new life in the far corners of the galaxy, the ark's left know space and went deep into the unknown. Countless new worlds were made in the name of peace, one such world is Talla. When the ark first entered orbit something went horriable wrong, its not clear what happend but everyone on the ark was forced to flee, 25 million people of every race, color, and size were forced onto the new world with only the simplist of tools and equipment.

It has been 400 years sense the human race first landed on Talla none even remember where they came from believeing humans have always been here. Many humans have even started to understand a type of "Magic" tough throwing fireballs is not something they can do, most can summon a fire elemental or even a demon.

Although the cultural level of Talla is most similar to early feudal Europe, the technological level of society is much higher. The civilized nations have steel, glass, paper, books, a complicated monetary system, and fine materials for clothing including linen, wool, and silk. Many alchemists delved deeper into the natural sciences and are begaining to understand steam, wind, and water power. However, there are some notable exceptions. The lands of Talla do not have gunpowder or other explosives. They have yet to invent the Crossbow, and maritime technology is not beyond the oared galleys of Rome. The ships have sails, of caurse, but sails have yet to become the only means of locomotion. In addition to the budding technology of science, there is a burgeoning technology of magic, especially in the main lands and cities. Feats of medicine and engineering that are well beyond the modern Earthly technology are routinely handled with the aid of certin types of demons and elementals.



Event 1

#darkmoor can be found at

Event 2

To make a character simply read the web pages then sign up for the message board and post your characters background.

Event 3

Please take the time to read the Rules area because this game may not be for you.