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White Yakuza Inc.

Quiklinks: Yakuza high ranks message board chatroom habbo hotel

white yakuza staff
- High Ranks
- receptionists and intellegance
- Spies/Hackers
- bodyguards
- securty guards

- Message Board
- Chatroom
- Habbo Hotel
White Yakuza
- Pay
- allias
- rights
- uniform
- promotions
- Rooms(down)
- enemies

Worker of the Month

Legal Info
[White Yakuza]


Updated - August, 19th, 2002

  • Ok i'm working on the site justnow adding just new features like pictures on the rosters so the rosters will be quite empty whilst i develope some screenies so pleese be patient.i would luike to remind u that statics birthday is tommorrow and he is having a party at 7pm i will try to be there and get screenies so if you missed it you canstill check out some of the action --------------------------------------------------- (18.08.02)White Yakuza had went down for a couple of days but it bk up and running better than ever,all i ave to say really is that we are now enemies with ES.Statics birthday is this tuesday the 21st of august at 7pm static will be aving a party everyone is welcome and please bring a present but if you don't it doesn't matter.Even thou i won't b there i would like to wish static a happy birthday.Oh and b4 i go i would like to say the rooms section on the white yakuza site is down justnow it will be open very soon. ---------------------------------------------------- (13,08,02)Hey i'm back and ready to work on the site, Since Habbo is constantley fucking up i mayaswell start to work on the site again to give me something todo.I will try to update the site daily and i am going to clear the rosters and wen i seen you in white yakuza hq i'll take your name and job and add you to the rosters.I would just like to add that we're allies with Elite Spys so please don't go spying there or annoying them. ---------------------------------------------------- Welcome to the White Yakuza homepage.This site is primalry for the staff but everyone is welcome.If your not a member of White Yakuza i hope this site will encourage you to join.The staff and White Yakuza are nice and if you respect them you will have no troubles at all and they will respect you.You get paid 2 furni a fortnight which might not seem alot but White Yakuza is a big group. ---------------------------------------------------- If you have any comments feel free to leave them on our message board or you can check out our chatroom to see if theres anyone there.Hope you like the site,Many of the links are not ready yet because the site is still under major construction but it will be finished soon ----------------------------------------------------- (KoRnManiac:co owner)

  • Rank
    Vice Owner
    Vice Owner
    Vice Owner
    Site Designer

    ©White Yakuza

    This site was developed by kornmaniac with help from his brother."I wish to thank my brother for helping me with the site and i would like thank the staff at white yakuza for giving me a great job.This site was made on the 20 July 2002.This site is also copyrighted and if i catch anyone using this layout without ma consent i was will be forced to contact your host and have your site closed down.All members that have been used in this site have been used without their permission but since their part of this grop i feel like they should be.All pages content ©White Yakuza~2002-2005!

    Current Weekly rank
