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Your Early Line on the Weekend Box Office

Weekend of September 22-24 2006

Three years on and I'm back. How very curious. And quite random. There are four openings of note this weekend. The big opener is sure to be Jackass Number 2 . The first Jackass opened at 21 million or so a few years ago, when it was much nearer the height of its popularity. The box office has also been a little weak lately, but I'm really wishy washy on this one. Could go either way, but I'm saying it'll have a $18.5M opening weekend over its 2750 or so theatres.

Jimmy Franco's Flyboys will take in a little more than expected, opening at $7.2M over 2000 theatres.

Jet Li's Fearless will beat out Flyboys for the action bucks, and take in $9.2 in 1800 theatres.

Last but not least (well, probably least) is Sean Penn's All the King's Men will come in with $4.7M in 1500 theatres.

If you absolute must bet, take Jackass Under 21 at +164 for 2 units, but I don't love any of the lines.

Want to check out my estimates of previous weekends? Check out the box office prediction archives.

Doubt Danny's prediction abilities? Check out my performance against the Las Vegas oddsmakers here. (NOTE: This is for entertainment purposes only. No Wagers were actually placed.)