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Cyber Navy


Cyber Navy is founded on belief in the abiding importance of the sea as an adjunct of life on planet earth—the sea as a means of communication and tranportation ; as a source of food and protien; as a moat and together with the seabed, as a reservoir of energy and mineral wealth I think they had carefully assessed the situation and found themselves on solid grounds. The rational still holds true 20 years later in our days.

"As the world enters not just a new year, but also a new Century and Millennium."

James L. George

"Power Of The Sea" We realized the iron curtain come down and the Soviet Fleet disappear from the ocean.We witnessed a development unique in our time, which left in the US Navy as the superior navy in technical quality.

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God."

Matthew 5:3-12

The gravity of naval forces' missions changed. You could observe that traditional navies reduced numbers of assests. New ships grew bigger, more complex and more expensive.

It appears not credible that Russia should not be back on the ocean in due time. And how will NATO--countries position themselves? Complement eachother, will Europe's navies complement the US Navy? By the way, from which navy at all might a challenge to the US Navy occur within one or two decades?

Will we observe a new focus on the oceans to exploit the riches? There have been calls for a "Blue Revolution" to do so. Acquaculture appears to have useable potential. Will we see a run to develop the tools for sustainabke aquaculture?

Cyber Navy will have a lot to observe and display to you. You may be sure, there is to be reflected in Cyber Navy will be extremely interesting for naval community over the world!

Edited by Grand Adm. Nautilos