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The Cult of the Golden Cow

A floating island... Poppy and Weed fields... Naked Nights...A Giant fire...Monkeys..and more!

This page is about our cult, the cult of the Golden Cow. We are building a floating island in tropical international waters. We are going to have a giant golden cow, which is also a herbal healer, on it. We will gather at the cow each day at four o'clock to begin that days worship of the cow. At 4:20 the mass will conclude with the daily herbal healing, and then the nights festivities will commence. We will all gather around the giant fire, which will never go out, having been lit the day we first finish the island. we will then eat and drink lots of booze, as we will do every night. We also take off our black robes at this time, and enjoy being naked.

The cult is based on a system of leaders, the higher ones command the lower ones. There is a system of laws, although it is pretty laid back. If someone breaks a law, (disobeying a higherup, or a violent act) everyone gathers around a huge wheel, which we spin to decide the punishment. Some of the punishments will include a large box people would be locked in for a day, possibly with scorpions. There wouldn't be too many people that would break the laws anyways, because its a very laid back environment, with a place to break stuff to take out any anger, and a room that plays constant loud music.
Everyone has assigned jobs, which we would carry out daily, only basic jobs to keep the island running, such as cooking, growing crops, and of course, girls with large palm fronds fanning the highest leader. There are three large fields on the island, growing weed, poppies, and tobacco. These fields not only provide us with our basic needs, but also possible income, should the need arise. No one can leave the island except the top three leaders. Should the need arise to leave the island (to get new members, or to get things from the mainland) we would have a ceremony in which we offer the cow a large quantity of weed, and say prayers to it, which would be contained in a golden book, written in the language of the island. This book would also be used at the daily mass.
The fields can be visited by anyone at any time of day, except durring mass, which everyone has to go to, by penalty of being exhonerated from the cult. One day of the week however, only the highest few members may go to the fields, to perform secret ceremonies, to apease the cow. We will grow everything we need on the island, which we will construct ourselves, complete with a swimming area, blocked off from fish. It will be located in warm tropical waters year round, floating to warmer places when we deem neccesary.
We will have a wide assortment of tropical plants and animals, including sloths and monkeys, as well as any that may amuse and entertain us. The cult is all about being relaxed and entertained at all times. We will have large palm and coconut trees.
The way the cult works is this. When you express an interest in joining, the leaders get together, and decide whether this is someone that would fit in with the cult. Upon aproval, we would contact the person, who would then sell any cars, land, or posessions, in order to give the money to the cult. In return, that person would get to live on an island paradise, and know eternal happiness. If you are interested in joining, you may sign the guest book, and leave an email, so we may contact you at a later date. Contact Us at


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