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Liars for the Lloyd: All About James Lloyd and the Christian Media Network

Chapter 1

Personal History


James Lloyd  was raised in the upper class blue-collar area of Southern California known as “Orange County”, a collection of “bedroom communities”, not far from the site that became Disneyland. His late father was employed in the Radio and Television industry, his mother was (and still is) a singer and entertainer.  

Given this beginning, it is no wonder that he has a flair for “show business”. It seems to be “in his blood”. 

He later became involved with the Christian music industry as a young adult, and wrote and performed songs with his brother Kit, with whom he produced an album of the pair singing “Christian Rock” music.  

While in his teens, and after several struggles with drug use, truancy, and other brushes with the law and challenges with authority, he dropped out of high school. He worked for a while with his father doing odd menial jobs, and in the course of maturity, he raised himself from a life of selling drugs, to a life of sales of a more legitimate kind. Eventually, after educating himself, and climbing from one sales position to another, he joined the “high powered” world of the executive search industry, or as it’s known in the trade, “Headhunting”. 

“Headhunting", is the practice of “raiding” companies of their executives, after the company has invested money (usually a great deal of money), for use in a similar industry. Such practices are legal, but are looked upon with a great deal of contempt by most companies, because of moral and ethical questions, but offer a high income for anyone who has the willingness, drive, and skills required. Also required is the ability to dull one’s conscience with money. Only recently has he realized how handy the skills he learned in show business and in marketing would be. 

He became a member of the Calvary Church movement in his youth, where he was enthralled by the charismatic preacher Chuck Smith, who would go on to create a huge ministry that would boggle the minds of those church members who attended the first meetings in a tent in a small dirt lot in Costa Mesa California in the 1960’s. He also married a young woman named Anita. 

            In the early 1980’s, he moved from Southern California to Southern Oregon. He became involved in a number of real estate investments in the area, and bought a home in the area. At some point, perhaps related to a drug habit he could not at that time shake, his marriage to Anita fell apart. 

            He became romantically involved with a tenant named Susan Lenox, to whom he rented a room, and eventually they were married. After a tempestuous relationship involving infidelity, violence and even more drug use, James decided to quit the drugs and began publishing a directory of Christian media outlets, for use by those involved in the Christian music industry, and also began the Christian Media newspaper.  

James Lloyd is a man of many profound personal contradictions, which only become apparent to most people after the passage of time. He began his present ministry in earnest, about 10 years ago, with the publication of a book, which he refers to as his "foundational work" that was devoted to bible prophecy called Beyond Babylon. It is notable for many ideas that were novel at the time. On notable idea is that America, or rather The United States of America, unlike the common belief of the day, is in bible prophecy. Further more, he identifies The United States as the “Beast” of Babylon, which is described in the 13th chapter of the book of Revelation. 

Although flawed by the inclusion of “prophetic” understandings he gained through the use of “New Age translations” of the bible such as the “New International Version” (also referred to as the NIV), the “Revised Standard Version”, the “New English Bible” and the “Amplified Bible”, it still contains many valid prophetic observations nonetheless. 

In this book, he also acknowledges his dependence upon many authors and “Christian” individuals whom he has since seen fit to brand as “Liars” and “reprobate”, not entirely without just cause. Among them are Pat Robertson, founder of the “PTL Club”, Chuck Smith, founder of the “Calvary Chapel” organization, pretribulation rapturist Chuck Missler, as well as another man James has branded a false prophet, author Hal Lindsey, and other “mainstream Christian leaders”, as well as the apostate Ellen G. White who was a theologian in and an early leader of the Seventh Day Adventist movement, and also pagans such as Immanuel Velikovsky, Mary Relfe, and David Yallop

This is interesting, given his public position of eschewing those who he brands as apostate. He has made many public pronouncements, quoting the epistle of 2nd Corinthians 6:14-17, saying that he refuses to have anything to do with "The Beast" out of his own desire to "...touch not the unclean thing..." (i.e. Government, and or the authority structure of society), and teaches others to do the same, claiming the high moral ground of the scriptures.  Yet, in a closer examination of his actions in the past, as well of the actions of his followers, which he condones using the Bible, a different picture begins to emerge. This purpose of personality paradox will become clear before this report concludes, and it is not out of character for James, that he has admitted depending upon what he refers to as "spiritual poison" in using New Age, apostate  "bastardized versions of God's word, but has also leaned heavily upon the doctrinal works of people he has branded as liars, frauds, false prophets and apostates, as well as outright pagans, in his “foundational prophetic work”   Sadly, he defends what he has done using  logic to justify his position, and in his self-delusion, maintains his posture of having spiritual integrity.

Seeing then, that the apostate materials used in the "foundation" upon which his spiritual house is built, is it any wonder that he fears the prospect that his listeners might be influenced by "the storms of reason"?  (Matthew 7:26-27) 

James Lloyd Expands His Reach 

Christian Media came into the limited national prominence shortwave radio offers through his association with another individual who offered “prophecy for sale”, one Steve Quayle.  

Mr. Quayle, whom James Lloyd for many years referred to as his “best friend”, had a radio program on Jeff Baker’s Amerinet network, which was known as “Blueprint for Survival”, and was also heavily involved in the preparedness market, selling all manner of merchandise using Christianity as a “marketing position” through his “ministry”, “Safe Trek Outfitters” in Bozeman, Montana. Mr. Quayle, whom James Lloyd used as his mentor, is a master of disaster marketing, and would typically focus his broadcast on some perceived international threat to the security of his audience, and then present a “special offer” that was designed to mitigate that “threat”.  Although I have many differences with Mr. Quayle, I have to respect the fact that he makes no claims to being a "prophet". He is a businessman and offers products for sale as a legitimate vendor.    

James himself saw a similar opportunity to profit from this relationship, providing sales “leads” from his readership to his friend Steve Quayle (a friendship he has recently made aggressive attempts to re-kindle, presumably to court new customers), and began to line up customers, receiving a small piece of the “mark up”. He eventually joined his friend on the Amerinet Network, where I first heard him on the shortwave in November of 1997. 

James at that time was on Shortwave radio station WWCR at Midnight Pacific time, and was unusual for a Bible teacher in that he had an abrasive attitude that came off as being proud, which seemed an odd thing for someone with what should by all biblical accounts be a humble calling, however, I began to listen to his broadcast because there was nothing else on the shortwave at that time and I heard him say something that rang a bell in my heart. 

            Many years earlier I had been reading the book of Revelation, having always had a love for bible prophecy I wondered about that great city that was destined to be destroyed called Babylon in Chapter 18. 

            For some reason God had opened my eyes to the fact that that great city was indeed New York City.  I hadn’t been walking with him very closely at the time and although I had believed even from my childhood that God was real and that Jesus Christ was his son and the only way to salvation, I hadn’t felt that I could walk in his ways, having always been a rebel and nearly always in opposition to what ever authority I came into contact, with and assumed that he wanted nice boys and girls for the kingdom of heaven, not those who rebelled at the system, yet, he gave me this “revelation”.  I pondered it for a while but kept it in my heart and went about my rebellious way. 

            Then one night I heard James Lloyd say that that great city Babylon in Revelation was New York City.  No need to explain how significant that seemed at the time!  It was as if an alarm clock had been set twenty-three years earlier and had just gone off! 


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