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Computer Programming
Programming Languages






Java Script

Post-Secondary Schools

Chubb Institute

ITT Technical Institute

Westwood College

Pioneer Pacific College

Cittone Institute

Allentown Business School

Tech Training

Lincoln Tech

University of Advancing Technology

Gibbs College

University of Pheonix

American InterContinental University

DeVry University

In 1995 Netscape communications created javascript. It's purpose was to make a programmer be able to recreate some of the capabilites of a java enabled webpage that wasn't a Java Programmer. Javascript had another title when it started out. "Livescript" was the first name given the language. Brendan Eich later renamed in "Javascript". After it was renamed Netscape navigator 2.0 was released. Javascript is a smaller web based language that is used to create dynamic webpages. Most Major Web browsers support javascript.

What can Javascript be used for?
The most common use of Javascript is its form manipulation. It allows web developers to check content and if its correct before it is submitted to the webmaster. Javascript can generated text, open new windows, identify user status and manipulate styles. Javascript is used more and more in advanced webpages. This allows webpages to have a more interactive feel to things.

Example of Javascript
<'body onLoad="LoadMe()">

<'script language="JavaScript"> <'!-- function LoadMe() { var text = "Hello, World!
"; for ('var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { document.write('text); '}

'document.write('"Ten lines of \"Hello, World!\""); '} //--'>

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