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Computer Programming
Programming Languages






Java Script

Post-Secondary Schools

Chubb Institute

ITT Technical Institute

Westwood College

Pioneer Pacific College

Cittone Institute

Allentown Business School

Tech Training

Lincoln Tech

University of Advancing Technology

Gibbs College

University of Pheonix

American InterContinental University

DeVry University

The language of B, now known as C, was made in 1969 by Kenneth Thompson who was from the Martin Richard's BCPL. Dennis Ritchie formed the language of C two years later. Few changes were made when forming C from B. C is one of the most used languages in the field and is used in the new operating system, UNIX.

What can C be used for?
C can be used for a variety of task. Mainly it is used for Operating Systems and Scientific applications. Most operating systems today were contructed with some C. Most operating systems mix C with other languages. Linux uses mainly C except for lower level parts that are built with assembly. Games and Scientific applications are mainly written in C. In the last few years more and more games were starting to use C++.C can be used in almost anything. Some tasks require more knowledge such as knowledge of C++. It is best to learn multiple languages.
Newer projects that were in C are translated into C++. In others, this takes to long and isn't worth the time and effort. Learning C first before learning C++ gives you a better foundation when programming. C also does some taskes that C++ can't, and vice versa its best to know both.

What is C?
The language C is very flexable. It is simple enough to allow a programmer to have complete control over the execution. It is also complex enough to to make tasks simpler. C does not have anything that it stands for. It is just an evolution of B. Practically every platform has a C compiler for it. C is the most portable of all languages as it is also one of the most powerful.
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