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If you are not a CS server admin - you are probably not interested in these commands.

mp_limitteams (default 2) Used in conjunction with the mp_autoteambalance command to allow you to have unequal teams on the server. Valid values for X are 1 (on) or 0 (off).
sv_restartround (default 0 sec) Causes the current game to restart in X seconds.
mp_autokick (default 1) Automatic throwing out players who don't behave correctly.
mp_chasecam (default 0) Observers are limited only to chase-camera mode.
mp_ghostfrequency (default 0.1 sec) Ghost update period. Marks the time till the next update.
mp_c4timer (default 45 sec) Change how long the C4 takes to explode on DE maps.
mp_freezetime (default 6 sec) Time for buying weapons in the beginning of every round.
mp_roundtime (default 5 min) Setting round timer. Min value is 3, max is15 minutes.
mp_friendlyfire (default 0) 1 turns on friendly fire option, 0 turns it off.
mp_timelimit (default 0 min) Time untill the map will be changed.
mp_footsteps (default 1) Sound of footsteps turned on/off.
mp_flashlight (default 1) Ability of using flashlight turned on/off.
sv_sendvelocity (default 0) Complex server physics and decals.
mp_tkpunish 0/1 Turn punishment for Team Kills on (1) or off (0). If on, it causes someone who TKs to sit out the next round.
mp_hostagepenalty X Max number of hostages you can kill before server throw you out.
mp_logmessages 0/1 Saving chat messages in a log file.
mp_forcechasecam 0/1 Turns on/off free look mode.
mp_autoteambalance 0 Turns automatic team balancing on (1) or off (0). Normally used with the mp_limitteams command.

These commands are used by players to configure some settings and to communicate with the server.

name ''name'' Changes the name of a player.
cl_observercrosshair (default 1) Ability of having crosshair in observer mode.
cl_hidefrags (default 1) Hides frags/kills of other players.
hud_centerid (default 0) 1 centers auto-ID text on the screen.
lefthand (default 1) 1 is for left-handed players, 0 is for right-hended.
fastsprites X Simplicity degree of smoke granade appearance on the screen.
adjust_crosshair Use to change crosshair color.
max_smokepuffs X X is max number of smoke puffs in a moment.
max_shells X Max number of shells.
con_color Changes the color of the HUD.
timeleft Shows how much time is left on the current map.
setinfo Shows all infokeys status.
setinfo <keyname> <value> Infokey value change.
dm (default 1) Turns on/off the briefing after a map is finished.
ghosts (default 0) 1 turns on the ability of seeing ghosts in observer mode.
ah (default 1) 1 for autohelp on, 0 for off.
cl_showfps X Displays your current Frames Per Second.
Values for X are 1 or 0.
connect X Connect to a server - replace X with the server address.
listmaps Shows the list of maps in the server's map cycle.
listplayers Shows a list of the players in the current game, along with their player number. This is how you find out the player number for the "vote" console command.
netgraph X Show the network graph. This will bring up a graph showing the performance of your internet connection. It will also tell you your Frames Per Second, the current amount of packet loss, and the amount of choke. Packet loss and Choke are one of the major causes of lag. Valid choices are 1 2 3 or 0 (off).
retry This will cause you to attempt to re-connect to the last server that you tired to connect to.
vote X Vote for player number X to be kicked off the server. The majority of the players on the server must vote for the same player to be kicked off for this to work.
votemap X Vote for map number X - See "listmaps". Most servers require at least 60% of the players on a server to vote for the same map before the map is changed.
ah X Toggles Auto-Help (gives player hint messages throught the game) - Setting of 1 = 'on', and 0 = 'off'
dm X Toggles displaying of map briefings after loading a new map - Setting of 1 = 'on', and 0 = 'off'
drawradar This turns the radar on
hideradar This turns the radar off
rate 2500 Sets how much data/information you receive from the server that you are connected to - for a 14.4 connection, set your rate to 1500 - 33.6k connection use 3000 - 56k modem use 3500 - ISDN should be 5000 - all connections faster than that should be between 5000 and 9999