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critical thinking

Critical thinking is a complex and, at times, elusive process that requires a solid knowledge foundation and basis of understanding. If students are to become effective thinkers, the teachers must become what Newman (1990) "models of thoughtfulness. Teachers must be familiar with, and knowledgeable about the topic and be good role models to instill within students the rudiments of critical thinking.

The effective domain is also included because students must first be predisposed toward the critical thinking process. These dispositions (eg. cooperation, the willingness to take risks, open mindedness support and derive the critical thinking process. The authors discuss critical thinking from a variety of perspectives and provide practical suggestions.

If students are to become effective thinkers then attention must be paid to all areas of the curriculum. Improving student thinking has become a primary goal in American education. The Carnegie Council on Adolescent Development (1989) strongly recommended that students should learn to think critically through mastery of an appropriate body of knowledge.

Good critical thinking doesn't require unusually high intelligence: any can learn to explore more options in a decision-making situation or to look more carefully at both sides of the case.

by JOPERD, journal