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tAi]\[tE[) Lo\/e

Friday, 13 June 2003

Ok, I just got out of the shower.. :: Sniffs. :: Soo Bored.. My. Dad. Is. So. Fucking. Annoying. I. Could. Kill. Him. >.> | <.<.. Aha.. OMG >__<;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; He pisses me off so much.. -..-''.......Know what's really annoying.. When people chew with their fucking mouths open.. and Like smack when they chew.. THAT is -SO- fucking annoying. >.>''
Ahh.. Foot just fell asleep.. Hurts.. Ahh..Ok.. Now my dad is talking about Cows.. What the fuck.. I mean why the fuck would I care about cows? Huh.. Yeah.. -..-'' Stupid Dumbass thinks I care.. >;\.. HE'S SO FUCKING ANNOYING I SWEAR TO GOD IM GOING TO FUCKING RIP OUT HIS FUCKING TONGUE >_<;; GRRRRRRRRRRR :: Shakes fist. :: Grr.. He's still talking.. OMG >_<;;....CAN'T HE GET IT THROUGH HIS FUCKING HEAD I DON'T GIVE A FUCK WHAT HE THINKS ABOUT STUFF FUCKING HELL IM FUCKING TIRED OF IT >_<;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
:: Cough. :: I'm done for now. -..-''

Posted by ex/corrupted_static at 5:58 PM PDT
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Full Moon Tonight^_^;;
Tah Rah! Yesterday I had a softball game at Orofino! w00t! We won ^..^''! Hmm.. I didn't hit a homerun :: Sniffs. :: Ohh Welll! ^_^;;.. Lets see...Lancee... I'm not over him yet.. Yet then again I asked him out a week ago, I think it was.. He said I don't think so.. Hmm.. Later on we talked about that.. He said he thought I was joking.. Then like.. a couple of days ago.. He was saying that I was too good for him, He doesn't know how much I love him >..<'' Oh well, x..x''... Hmm.. I didn't go to swim team today.. Too tired.. I stayed up and watched Lord Of The Rings. ^_^;;.. Great Movie..Fwhaha, I've been pretty bored since I've got K-lined from JustACrap. Blah. ^_^
Woah, Earlier today Becca asked me if I was Bi.. Suprised me because it just came out of no where. o__O;.. But she left for Texas a couple of mins ago.. She told me to tell Stephen that she'll miss him and she loves him. :: Sigh. :: x_x;;..Hmm, I don't have pratice until Tuesday our coach won't be there, But Carter will be there and so on. ^-^''Woah.. I can't find that much of stuff about Merlin.. >.<''... Dum Dum Dum.. I think I'm going to go call Lance. ^..^''.. Even though it's hard talking to him.. Blahhh...Yeah Okies.. Later.. ^-^

Posted by ex/corrupted_static at 2:58 PM PDT
Updated: Friday, 13 June 2003 5:47 PM PDT
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