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The Magic Reindeer

“Come on we have to go home it is 6 o’ clock,” I grumbled to my friend Tanya. “I’m freezing to,” I complained. Then I turned around. “Tanya where did you go? I’m not playing around,” I shouted. It was getting dark and it started to snow. I was in the middle of the woods with no one in sight. I started to move around. I looked through bushes and around trees for Tanya but she wasn’t in sight. Being only eight I overreacted and ran in every direction getting myself lost. “Great now I don’t know where I was and I’ll be stuck in these woods for the rest of my life,” I whimpered as tears froze onto my cheeks.

I looked all around me. But things were hard to see in the fog. Plus in was now totally dark. I kept trying to find my way out but it was no use. I was lost for sure. I got frustrated and started to cry again. I cried so hard and so loud that finally I couldn’t cry anymore. All that was left of my wailing was sniffling. Then out of the corner of my eye, despite the fog, I made out a red glowing light. I got up from the snow and wandered off toward the light.

I heard noises, as I got closer. “Chw chw chw.” It got louder as I got closer. “Chw Chw Chw.” Then when I was right next to a bush that the red light was behind I heard it louder than ever. “CHW CHW CHW.” “Hello? Is anyone there?” I asked in a small voice. “Oh hello. I am here. I am a magic reindeer,” the thing said as it came out from behind the bush. “I was just eating my dinner,” he said. “Chw Chw,” he continued eating. “So why are you here?” he asked. “Well I got lost while in here with my friend. You see she left me and I am now all alone besides you being here,” I explained. “Oh I see,” he said. “Well my name is Tina, what’s yours?” I asked. “My name is Moe,” he answered. “Well Moe can you help me out of here?” “Sure,” he answered, and I jumped on his back and we flew into the sky.

It was morning now. “Man that was one weird dream,” I said to myself as I found a large deer licking my hand as I sat up.

The Wooden Box

“Come on Sam. Do you want to go to the beach with me?” I asked my fat black puppy. He jumped up and down wildly with his leash in his mouth. I clipped the chain leash to his soft green collar. He rapidly ran out the front door as his soft fluffy ears flopped up and down.

When we got to the beach we were out of breath. Sam slurped up some of the salty water. “Sam don’t drink that,” I hollered but he already had the salty taste in his mouth. Suddenly, Sam started to run so fast that his leash slipped out of my hand and he took off running. “No Sam come back,” I yelled but it was to late. I ran after him as fast as I could. Then suddenly he stopped causing me to trip over him. “Sam what are you doing” I asked as he sniffed and started digging in the sand. I helped him dig and we found an old wooden box. “Wow lets open it Sam,” I said.

So very slowly I opened the box. Inside of it was an old flimsy note. Under the note was a small silver key. I read the note to Sam. It said: “Dear whoever you are, I hope you are not them, I mean the kidnappers. I have been in the woods for two years now. Well the reason I am writing this because two years ago the robbers kidnapped me because I had the key to a treasure chest. I escaped to put this note here but they caught me right after I buried it. They asked me where the treasure chest was but I never told them. So I thought by getting rid of the key I wouldn’t be useful to them and maybe they will let me go. If you can help me I will share the treasure with you. Oh yes, the treasure is buried right next to this note. Elizabeth George” I looked on the top of the note and it read “December 3rd 1889.” Man that is an old note I thought.

Sam and I started digging for the treasure and finally we reached it. I pulled it up from the sand and opened it with the key. “Wow all this gold is ours Sam,” I shouted as we looked at shiny gold pieces inside the chest. “We’re rich,” I screamed. I dragged the old rusted chest to our house. After hours of dragging the chest home I was exhausted so Sam and I fell asleep.

When I woke up I felt so cold and I had chills running down my spine. I heard something in the closet and I opened the door. In the closet was a little girl. “Elizabeth?” I asked. “Yes I’m Elizabeth. Thank you very much for setting my spirit free. You see after I told the robbers I lost the key they left me in the woods alone and I died. My spirit was trapped in that woods but now I am free.”