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Date: September 29, 2003

After a long sabbatical from working on the website due to lack of motivation, this evening I am going to do some drastic overhaul, updating the "What's Happening" sections thoroughly and adding some other stuff, of note the Crimson Highwaymen prestige class I worked so hard on awhile ago.

I'm currently working on a program that allows you to design campaign maps, hopefully soon I will add maps of areas and descriptions of areas in the campaign aside from Groups and Organizations. That way it's easier for folks to weave their background into the campaign world and get a better idea of what's around them so I can do more PC driven storylines then NPC and plot driven storylines. I wanna eventually get to a point where I'm reacting to what the PCs are doing, not the opposite way around.

That all being said, the update will hit as I put the code in, so I'll be updating all night tonight through till Wednesday, bar any unusual happenings occuring. That's it for now.

Date: September 5, 2003

Woo! Starting to get regular in my updates now, and working on the site pretty constantly. More stuff will be up as I can code it into HTML, right now I'm mainly trying to stay ontop of the What's Happening sections and updating those as soon as the games happen. Hopefully the Asides for next week will be done by the beginning of next session

In my never-ending quest to actually get the forums to be used I am now instituting another policy, post a description of your PC on there and get a free 500 xp kicker. Yes, that's right folks, 500xp for free! I don't wanna hear no more bitching I don't give out enough experience now. You have your chance, now take it, ya whiny bastards.

Please, I'd love to hear feedback about the layout of the site, how you enjoy (or don't enjoy) the current campaign twist, etc. E-mail me or post something and I'll definitely take it into account, I really like criticism for the most part and I'm really doing this more for my players then myself, so if you guys are unhappy with something let me know. That's all.

Date: August 31, 2003

Well, it's been about a month since my last update, but I once again have built up the motivation to continue working on the site. In the process of updating everything I decided to try a new look, this seems a bit spiffier then before, to me at least, so I think we'll keep her.

Under the New Rules section you'll find a plethora (yes, a plethora) of new feats, spells, and prestige classes for you to peruse. You'll also find that you can access the Organizations page from the new Living Petopia section, as well as the new Geography page as well. The Geography page includes information on many of the towns and countries in the campaign world, yet another thing for me to endlessly update. Woo.

The Strider's progress has been noted in several different places throughout the website, most notably their What's Happening page but also in a few other places as well. Unfortunately we haven't played The Eye of Evil game in quite some time, but I hadn't updated their information for the last session we played so I did that, and hopefully we'll get the game in this week and I'll bring their pages up to speed on Saturday. On one last note I've noticed lack of use of the forum, which is partially my fault cause I haven't finished setting it up completely. To remedy this I will set it up completely at some point this week as well as begin to run actual role-playing scenes on the forum. Hopefully that'll spark some posts.

Date: July 31, 2003

Alright, the What's Happening section for the Hunters campaign has been updated for the week, as what happened last week has been added as well as an aside for this evening's game. Also I've added three prestige classes of my own design: The Infiltrator,The Silent One,and the Sword of the Silvermoon. Comments are welcome. Anyway, thus far Brad has been the only one to post on the forums, and I encourage everyone to at least register and post once in them. In Pete Deschere's old campaign we were able to use the message board for an awful lot of purposes, none the least of which was furthering the storyline through increased role-playing.

I've been updating the Character Bios section for both the Hunters and the Eye of Evil as I've been getting new pictures and bio information from the players. Please, if you haven't gotten your background/character photo to me do so soon. Otherwise I will make up stuff to put there, and while I would find this highly entertaining you may not.

The Paranoia game last Thursday went much better then I expected, and I plan on possibly running, maybe once a month, a different game system to keep things new and interesting. I'm leaning heavily towards Deadlands/Doomtown as the next unusual setting to run, if you have any feedback in regards to this either e-mail me or post it on the forum in Town Square. That's all I can think of for this week.

Date: July 27, 2003

Finally, all the firk-ding-blast work has paid off! The site is far from complete, but she is up for the most part, and I plan on her being done hopefully by the end of the month. I'll update her every Sunday, sometimes sooner, largely with information on what's going on in both my Wednesday and Thursday games as well as putting up some of my own fiction. I'd ask at this time that all my players register at the forum, the link to it is at the top of the page. This will allow me to better communicate with all of you and get information out there quicker. Also, to sweeten the pot I'll throw in 300xp if you post a message.

If you have anything in particular you'd like posted up here just contact me and I'll see about getting it up as soon as I possibly can. Hopefully this will become as much my players website as it is mine. What I'm really looking to do with this site is to bring Little Petopia alive so that everybody can get a better feel for the surrounding world their characters are inhabiting.

If you have no idea who I am then allow me to introduce myself, my name is Peter Fitzpatrick (known also as Austin Stoker on several message boards) and this is the chronicle of the Dungeons and Dragons games I run as a gamesmaster. D&D is far from the only thing featured on this site. however. I also have some RPGMaker2k files as well as some Starcraft replays hosted as well. Feel free to look around, I hope you find it entertaining at least.

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