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D&D Campaigns

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The Hunters

Prologue: Brother Garell has sent you an urgent message asking you to come as quickly as possible to the headquarters of the Light of Pelor in Coranthor. He is very vague as to why he wants you to come with such haste, he only mentions that your talents will be needed in a matter of grave concern to the church...

This campaign centers around the Light of Pelor (aka the Witch Hunters) and the Striders of Fharlanghan's struggle with the Cult of Orcus and many other things that lurk in the darker places of the world.

The Eye of Evil

"Aye, well met laddie. Where we be headin to? Why just some port town down south, Zan Thulte I think's the name. What? No, you wouldn't be wantin' to go there, let me tell ya. Try to picture if hell froze over: that'd be that wretched pit wrapped up in a neat little package. Huh? You want passage anyway? Well, don't say I didn't warn ya, son. That'll be five gold.

-Angus McAnduin, Captain of the Bonnie Heather

In Star Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi referred to Mos Eisley as a "wretched hive of scum and villainy". Well, Zan Thulte could probably be considered about on the same level, probably a little worse. Aside from the seedy port town and the bitter cold there are also secrets, just waiting amidst the mists and coldest frosts to be found. This campaign explores what would happen if one such thing were released.

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