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Nick Lamagna Com465
I use the internet for mostly entertainment purposes. I look up stats for different sports teams, look up cheap flights for vacations or download songs and movies. I occassionally use the Internet for educational purposes when it calls for it, such as in this class, and for emails and other school related activities. Three sites I visit often are,, and

1. The first site I came across discussing the issue of politics and it's interent usage was This site discussing the positive aspects of the internet in helping to educate voters on the issues and allow them to be more active by lobbying to officials, debating issues and starting petitions on various government and political activists' sites.

2. The second site I found for the same topic was This was an update on a site dealing with a debate on a law that was being passed regarding the public paying for signal detection tests to their cable providers. The site is discussing the verdict of the case and the specifics of the bill being passed and gives links to post thoughts and suggestions on this and other hot issues.

3.The third site I came across dealing with politics and the internet is This site is dealing with the pros of the internet in informing citizens on education. It not only includes many good points on this topic but gives examples of helpful sites to visit and even gives resources for teachers to use in their curriculum.