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Mats Home (I live here)

Alrighty sit down shut up for a little bit. I've got some things I wanna say, so listen. yesterday during lunch I decided to be a prep, wait, no I wanted to be goth, or was that punk, wait no I wanted to be a jock, wait....DAMNIT. Any way i decided to be something and my joke is ruined cause i couldnt think of what i wanted to be so ill tell u another,Whatever forget it no one cares I'll just stop now and go be what ever i wanted to be if I can Remember I hate having a short memory it sucks you forget everything even the stuff you were talking about a minute ago.... what were we talking about?

Things I do in the morning

My Favorite Web Sites

sick minded guy makes movies of sticks dieing. :*( sad
Sweet my favorite word is a web site!
Tons o' games
this is where u can e mail me at
