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News Update: 25 June: New site design and a new host! -- 06 July 2003 - Roms and Forums update, Please signup!

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Replace this with you 68x60 Banner! See the Forums today!

Welcome to CLoudFx and my new design, we have a load of roms that you can download (uploading as and when we can) all you gotta do is click the links at the side and you will be able to download without banner ads, voting or any of that bs, just look at the relevant forum post and away you go! It would also kickass if you would signup to our forums so that we can get loadsa roms online, because the more people = more roms.

Uploading as I type
Posted By: shadowcha0z
Date: 26.06.03
Source: In House

Hi I have just put up the new design and I am uploading roms as we speak, iam not gonna muck about with uploading fullsets, just selected roms while still uploading as much as we can! Just signup for our forums (btw - if you upload u can be a moderator for your selected forum!!

Posted By: shadowcha0z (Nick)
Date: 06.07.03
Source: In House

Big update! Right, I have moved the forum from InvisionFree to my friends server as it kicks so much ass! (Thanks Nathan! :D) and I have alot of space for roms and stuff so if you click upload at the side (depending on if its working) you can upload roms and post them in the forum (I do check the roms, so anything not-rom or images will be deleted, also if you are going to use it for ur site please tell me so i don't delete it when i see the logs ok peace.

New Roms online
Posted By: shadowcha0z
Date: 06.07.03
Source: In House

1088, 1089, 1090 (GBA) roms are online Click here for 1090 Click here for 1089 Click here for 1088

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