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Cloud Strife



AGE 22



Ultima Buster


 ATK: 75  ATK%: 105

Growth: Normal

Desert eagle R


ATK:  37 ATK% 110


DESERt eagle l


ATK:  37 ATK% 110

Growth: Normal


Imperial guard


DEF: 82  M.DEF: 74




Protects against all abnormal status's


Ice  sense elemental   chocobo lure
fire mimic elemental   gil plus
fire   elemental    


barrier   all    
restore   all    


Gil $5000

Reagan greens


phoenix down




Turbo ether








            Born to the world without the influence of a father figure to guide him, Cloud never truly learned to trust in himself. His mother, whom was often in-between jobs, and away from home, was never able to show him much affection either, and thus left the young Cloud to fend for himself. At the young age of six, Cloud had already developed the mindset, and maturity of an adult, tendering to his own needs, and making life easier on his mother. Although he kept to himself, he did find solace in one particular girl named Tifa whom was unfortunately always surrounded by the children whom ridiculed him for his eccentric behavior. Rather than fault her for their prejudice, he simply placed them as immature, and petty, but in reality he simply felt envious.

  After the passing of Tifa’s mother, Cloud was involved in an accident that occurred on the mountain pass just out-side of their village. He was able to get by with simply skinned knees, but Tifa was not so fortunate. The news of her coma-tic state only deepened his scars, and left him in a state of helpless-ness. From that day forward, Cloud decided that he would strengthen himself so that he would be able to protect those he loved no matter what the circumstances. He did so, by fighting off bullies that falsely accused him for Tifa’s condition, and the fighting went on until the day she awoke.

  Eight years later, the war had begun between the SHINRA, and the continent of Wutai, and the news of the vibrant young elite SOLDIER named Sephiroth had swept the nation. Inspired by the stories he had heard of Sephiroth’s victories, Cloud decided that he would join SOLDIER, and thus become stronger than he could have ever imagined. He and Tifa had grown very close throughout the years, though she never did remember the incident, so he felt it necessary to inform her of his decision. Meeting once again in secret, he elaborated his plans to her, and she In turn requested that they make a pact.

  “If you ever get real famous, and I’m ever in a bind…you come and save me…”


  “If I’m ever in trouble, my hero will come to my rescue…I wanna experience that at least once…”


  “Come on, promise me!”

  “Alright, I promise”


  Within one year, Cloud had managed to qualify for SOLDIER training, along with a select few other SHINRA troopers. Among them was a young man named Zack, whom was not only the junior militia team captain, but also perhaps Cloud’s only friend in the service. With Zack’s help, Cloud had become 2nd elite in his class, but unfortunately no amount of training could have prepared him for the final test. One year later during the infusion ceremony, Cloud suffered a minor case of mako poisoning, and was renowned un-fit to undergo any more contact with mako due to medical illness. Torn by the unforeseen turn of events, Cloud decided that he would not return home, for that would only prove his failure, and so, he continued his service in the SHINRA military. 

  With the closing of the war, peace had been restored, and only minor missions were available to any troopers whom desired exposure. Cloud had made it his business not to take part in any of these missions in fear that Tifa would be looking for a headline, and that she would learn the truth. Unfortunately for him, Zack had other plans. Seeing an opportunity for his friend to be given a second chance at SOLDIER, Zack insisted that Cloud be taken on SOLDIERS latest mission, complaining that troopers should always come along just in case. Luckily, Zack had the biggest connection of all, having become friends with his commander, the great…Sephiroth…

  Since missions were usually kept on a need to know basis, Cloud was not informed of their destination until it was too late. There had been complaints of too much monster activity going on around Nibelheim, and that the reactor located on Mt. Nibel may be the core of the trouble. Not wanting to face Tifa, whom would surely be expecting him to be in SOLDIER, Cloud decided that he would mask his identity, and not risk losing the chance to gain her respect. At first he was reluctant to visit his own mother, but not being able to overcome the need to feel at home, he swiftly subdued, and of course informed her of his failure in hopes of some closure.

  Early the next morning they were on their way, and to his surprise guided by Tifa herself. Still keeping his identity secret, he simply watched her acting as if her shadow, and making certain she was safe every step of the way. Once they reached the reactor, Sephiroth gave orders for Cloud, and Tifa to remain outside, but when he emerged, it seemed as if something had gone wrong. Sephiroth stormed out, and closed himself off from everyone in the SHINRA mansion, an abandoned building that was said to be haunted.

  Tragedy spread its wings of destruction that night, Sephiroth suddenly emerging from the mansion, torching the village, and taking no prisoners. Cloud, once again getting by with simply skinned knees, awakened to find his mother slaughtered, and Tifa nowhere to be found. Scared, and confused as to what was happening, Cloud rushed towards the Mt. Nibel reactor, trailing far behind Zack, his legs almost unable to support his weight. He finally reached the reactor only to find the disemboweled body of Tifa’s father. The blood only urging him forward, further into the nightmare that he could only describe as hell.

  Once he entered the next room, all logic seemed to drain from his veins, leaving only a vessel of pain, and hate. Rushing onward, he only took a moment to grasp his friend’s large broadsword, his father’s memento known as the Buster sword.There was his best friend, lying there, helpless, and drenched in his own blood. He never even looked to Tifa in fear of what he would see, and the feelings he would have to feel. He simply let the adrenaline; the hate and pain take charge of his body. He was no longer Cloud, the young boy whom had failed to make it in SOLDIER. He was no longer the anti-social boy that always had to fight to prove himself. He was now simply revenge itself, the wrath of GOD come to take payment for Sephiroth’s sin’s, and he would finish his task…dead or alive.

  All of it went by so fast from that moment on, yet at the same time it seemed like an eternity. It didn’t matter what Sephiroth was basking in glory about, and it also didn’t matter that his back was turned. It simply made the job easier, a swift trot ending with the tearing of flesh. It was glorious; yes…Sephiroth’s blood was sliding down the metallic surface of the buster sword. The debt had been paid, but as Cloud walked away, he felt as if it weren’t enough, but he could now unmask himself. He could now reveal his face to the woman he…loved. The woman he loved!?

  That’s when it hit him, she was still lying upon the floor, and bleeding from a gaping wound that bastard had left her. There was no time to think, so he rushed out of the chamber, and descended the steps to Tifa’s sprawled body. Kneeling by her side, he lifted her into his arms, but as he was about to walk out of the reactor, the monster once again emerged from the depths of his own hell. With his mothers head in hand, Sephiroth made his way down the descending steps, and out to the bridge.


  “…K…Kill Sephiroth…”

  Zack’s request only tore further into Cloud’s soul, so placing Tifa down with her back supported, he stormed out of the room.


  Sephiroth simply turned and thrust his massamune into Cloud. The warm feeling of his own blood caressing his torn flesh only seeming to entice his craving for revenge.

  “…Don’t…push…your luck…” Sephiroth said sinisterly as he lifted Cloud’s limp body into the air.

  Flashes of his entire life flickered through his mind all at once. The pain, the relief, the love, and the suffering all alike, fueled his will to live. No, his will to rid the world of the demon that called himself Sephiroth, and suddenly, he had the strength he needed. As he slid slowly down the smooth surface of the blade, he grasped it in both hands, the tearing flesh once again urging him onward, and once he felt his feet meet the ground once again, he twisted his upper torso to the right, and flung it towards the left, releasing the blade, and allowing Sephiroth to fly, and plummet into the mako pool below.

  Slowly, his eyes closed, and for a moment, he felt at peace…


            Everything seemed a blur from that point on, and all he could really see was writing every now and then on the glass. Somehow, the dizzying feeling he felt reminded him of the mako poisoning from the infusion.

  “Feedin’ time, now’s our chance”

  He couldn’t understand what was going on around him, but he somehow understood that he was with Zack. First in the Mansion, and then on a truck, but what was this talk about becoming a mercenary? Suddenly the sound of gunshots flared in his eardrums, but was it him they were shooting at?

  A tragic end, but it only leads to the beginning of yet another story, but that’s…history…



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