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Although this RP will not be tightly limited by the idea of a complete storyline, there are some important factors in play here:

- It is important to understand that all killers from the series are fair game. They cannot be considered dead unless otherwise stated directly on this site or on the forum.

- All serial killers can be used in any time period a particular RP session is held in, however I would advise that it is to be kept realistic. You probably won't find George Maxwell in 1942.

- No characters have to be killed. As you know, the serial killers of Clock Tower are next to immortal. The human protagonists will also be granted this, however if no one dies, things get boring. Try having several protagonists aside from a main one and allow them to be killed.

- Killers -- You have been warned. As a killer you need to be creative, and fast thinking. You'll need to think of puzzles for your domain and suspense as well. Just because it's text RP doesn't mean it can't be interesting and challenging.

- Protagonists -- YOU have been warned. Your characters aren't typcially going to go one on one with a murderous serial killer. In some cases, perhaps, but I guarantee you will never find Jennifer Simpson attempting to duke it out with a killer.

- Be descriptive and clearly describe surroundings and any puzzle information that will be required.


It doesn't get much simpler than this. Fill out this form and submit it. I'll personally review it and give you confirmation if I think it's a good choice -- Otherwise I'll just flat out not reply. Either way, just do your best on this application and take your time on it. This isn't some Guild test, it's just a way of keeping things organized for my Files section, and keeping people who can't be intelligent about the RP out. Anyway, here it is:


OoC Portion :

Your Name :
Your Age :
Your Sex :
Master Screen Name :
Other Screen Name :
Clock Tower Screen Name :
E-Mail Address :
Alternate E-Mail:
Played Clock Tower :
RP'd CT in the Past :

IC Portion :

Your Name :
Your Age :
Your Sex :
Your Birthdate :
Your Class :
If Other :
Occupation :

Detailed Description:

IC Post (Any Topic) :