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Thursday, June 05, 2003

Leaving Again:

Well I (Phor) will be gone this up coming week starting on friday most likely. Im going up to las vegas with my family. Ill be gone the whole week so if any of you wonder why im not online .. its not cause i quit gaming :). But Once I get back i know ill definetly be back on. So every one have a good one and ill see you in a week.


Well the patch has been released , long awaited, Ive really been hearing mixed feelings about it. Personally I think It will save classic war3 as we know it. Before alot of people were really waiting for The Frozen Throne for the simple fact that its more balanced. and is about unit mixing and not just one unit massing like in 1.05 but with the patch changed of 1.06 I feel that they have put all the best balances of TFT , just none of features and None of the stuff that I really hate about TFT. So for me Its the best thing I could have asked for In War3 Classic, but I know others have their oppinions about it so. If any of you have any things you want to say about it or any new strategys that you have found work good with the new patch. Please make a post in the forums about it.

Wednesday , May 28 , 2003

New Member :

Every one welcome Se)Ryan to Clan Sacred Edge. Ryan has shown his skill to all of our members and were all glad to have him in our clan. Iwill be putting up a members page soon , with links to members personal information. As well as contact information. So keep a look out on the main page for new links.

Tuesday, May 27 , 2003

New Domain:

Clan Sacred Edge will soon have a domain name. It is not set up as of yet but with in the next couple weeks or so it should be started. The domain will be it should . Many thx to Se)Zer.Nagul for setting it up. :) .No more banners or popups for the main site .. and after its all set up I will be working on getting a better forum.


















:Past Week:

:Past Month:

