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Sure, the name may be weird but in this section you will find out the origin and story behind this hot website.

You must wonder who the hell this hot chick is right? Well you came to the right place dude! Here you'll find all the info you want about this girl and other people in the show

This section has all the photos you need to satisfy whatever ill's ya... kaka, pervs... Oh yeah, you have to be 18 and over to enter this gallery... Sorry Kids!

Finally the miscellaneous section. In this section of the website contains information about other hot animes and photo galleries.




Hello! and welcome friends to Cutly Chobits. This is just a small page about the hot hot and steamy anime chobits, Originally Tamahome Time TM But then my fiancée said why not fuse them together. So I did, well i hope you enjoy your stay!





  Umm, If you don't already see... I did beef up the website a little - .-;

Posted 3.18.03

  Err... Still Working On Shit...