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Gabriel's Page


Welcome to my webpage! On this page, you will find links to the following pages:

My Resume

My First Hawaii Trip

a page about my sister being pregnant with Twins!

When completing this project, it was quite simple to move my files onto the server. I used Dreamweaver to create my webpages. I liked working on these assignments because I actually learned HTML, whereas before, I would rely on the program to do the writing for me. Once my pages were complete, I simply access the server and loaded the webpages onto there. The only time I ran into problems, was logging onto the server. I was not familiar with angelfire before these projects. Though it was easy once I understood, it took me awhile to figure it out.

Once I figured it all out... I sounded much like this ... (click me)

Thanks for visiting my little website. I hope you enjoy the pages! I had fun making them.


*this web page is owned by Gabriel. email at*