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[ Welcome to the most useless spot on the web. Please feel free to look around and enjoy yourself. Bye bye now.  ]


Emancipation Procla...  

4:39:28 PM


More Upgrades...  

6:55:38 PM

Yeah, well, me again. Um, the new updates to the site are having trouble getting uploaded via angelfire. If you see this message, then it's already uploaded. I added a marquee script to practice, and I changed the title image, splicing it and making the bottom a mini nav. i have more in store for the mini nav but I forgot how to utilize rollover in an image thats hyperlinked via coordinates. Ah well, Life sucks.


The inevitable...  

5:13:18 AM

   Hello all again. Anyway. I just added a new title image and I'm wondering whether or not it works. If you don't see it, tell me. Have a fetus!
   Whatever... - I'm wondering how to differentiate the posts from each other based on date. Time, yes, but date? Hm, I think maybe something in between the post windows would look nice kind of going with the style of the title image. Also I want to see how to do frames within these boxes, it is possible. Later.


Let's test this out...

12:03:32 AM

   Hello everyone. I am creating another post to test the ability for my site to run itself on auto-pilot and prepare itself properly for a new post. Efficiency = less work for me. Good. Sergio series has been added.


First post...

10:35:23 PM

   Hello anyone who cares. This is my own personal hideout where I can post links or media that I believe other people should know about. The site will be undergoing "artistic influencing" throughout the course of its existence, heavily in its early stages. Regardless, enjoy.



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