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Meetings , Parties, and News

         We had orientation at Andra's house in Copperas Cove. We reviewed all the rules, 
         found out what was expected locally from us, and what we could expect from our 
         year in the United States. Following the orientation Andra had a big barbecue          
         and swim party. This was a great way for all of us to get to know each other 
         and the other host families. Everyone had a great time. We felt secure in the 
         fact that we would have someone to come to all year for our needs. We were also
         excited about the plans for future trips and parties with Andra and Natalie.        


         DATE: OCTOBER 19, 2002 THROUGH OCTOBER 20, 2002
         There were twenty-six of us as we left in five vans to San Antonio. Mama Williams
         had the trip very organized and she had her checklist! Our chaperones were Mama
         Williams, Josh Reichert, Natalie Reichert (coordinator), Mr. and Mrs. Harry
         Hollister (Gabriel's host parents), Bea Neely (Radee's host Mom), and Cynthia
         Kalati (host Mom of Emin). Mama Williams had us covered, everyone was very nice.
         Some of the students choose to go to six flags and others to the river walk
         and Alamo. Of course the six flags group had a great time on all the rides to
         include the roller coasters. The lines actually were not bad on that Saturday.
         The group that went to the Alamo and river walk had a great time. First,was
         a great Mexican food lunch. As we arrived at the Alamo there were reenactments
         in progress. We made lots of pictures with the people from past history.Next 
         we viewed all the old tools that were used in that era to include the Dental 
         instruments, they were scary. Then we went to the IMAX theater and saw the haunted
         house in three D, it was awesome. The only person that got scared was Andra 
         but David reassured her and she had a great time. Next was shopping in the mall 
         and buying CD's. Then we headed to a free concert in the Mexican market , it 
         was great! David really enjoyed the Spanish music, this was great dancing music. 
         When the six flags group returned we all got together and returned to the river 
         walk for lots of fun. Twelve of us went into the haunted house and we came out 
         alive! Mama Williams even went with us. We all headed back to the Marriott River 
         Center, five star hotel on the river, one half was complimentary of Mama Williams. 
         The rest of the night was spent in each others rooms talking and watching movies 
         until 6:00am. Then we slept until 8:45am when we all went to Andra's room for 
         danish rolls and drinks. Then we headed out of the hotel some to the outlet
         mall in San Marcos and some back to the river walk. We met back at the hotel
         lobby at 2:00pm. When Mama Williams came in to get us she found most of us asleep 
         in the lobby chairs. The last group then pulled out to go to the outlet mall.
         The trip was great and we were all wishing it could last longer. We are looking 
         forward to the Dallas trip in the spring.
         We had a great get together for Halloween. Andra rented a van and got Some
         other drivers and we headed for Temple. We had two of the directors with us 
         that were visiting from Germany and Brazil, Andreas and Antonio. Sebastian's          
         host parents Mr. and Mrs. Hentchal hosted us. We had lots of music, food, dancing,
         games, and karaoke. It was a great time and so good to get us all together again.

         DATE: FRIDAY NOVEMBER 8th, 
         Twenty-four of us arrived at Andra's house for a great 
         night of entertainment. We had lots of talent among us and we were actually
         amazed at the levels of musical abilities displayed! There was lots of dancing 
         going on and it was fun to watch. Next we had pizza, played pool, computer          
         games, play station, and lots and lots of talking with each other. In fact,
         we talked all night and then had donuts and juice for breakfast. We hung          
         out the rest of the morning and then Andra took us to Jalisco's Mexican
         restaurant and treated us to lunch. Then we all went home and slept!

         We are having our Christmas party on December 7th at Andra's house. We will 
         be dancing and singing the night away! Each student will be preparing a dish 
         of food from their country and bringing it to share with the others for the 
         dinner. The dance floor is going down for this event!! 
         Everyone bring your favorite CD's and get ready to boogie!


         MAY, 3TH 2003
         We leave from Burger King at Cooperas Cove, Saturday 3th at 8:00. 
         We went over the Grapevine Outlet Mall and had supper at the Rain Forest Cafe.
         At the mall everyone split to make their shopping and at 4:30 we met to ckeck into the Hotel.
         We had a little time in the Hotel so everybody could get ready and then we ride the Vans and 
         Cars to Medieval Time. It was too much fun we got the Black and White team and our cheers 
         were the best, so we won, when the dinner and contest were over at the Medieval Times we 
         dance a couple songs at the dance floor. Here Chad and J.P. gave us some lessons of dance 
         and Art surprised us with his dance. 
         We went back to the Hotel and everyone party and hang out untill next day. The Kids has 
         a little time to go to the swimming pool at the morning. 
         We visited the Museum in Honor to John F. Kennedy and we learned about his life and 
         his assesination. We had free time in Dallas to eat and shop in a little comercial area.
         Each one went back to theirs town. After too much fun.
         It was one of the last trips and all we have ahead is the farewell dinner that is gonna be the 
         final meeting....