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Cavalier.Rescue Centre, West London


I wanted to thank some of the people who have made the centre possible. Madge who has worked at the centre since it has opened has decided to leave for a break and go into an early retirement. We want to wish her a happy life and thank her for the work she has done over the years.

I want to thank George my husband who has funded my business even though I am not proud to say that! I love my job and hope to keep going. It is true what they say every cloud has a silver lining.

All the workers at the centre who have contributed over the years and made sure that we have being able to keep the centre open for as long as it has been!

To the dogs that we get in and the rewarding feeling we recieve when we get them a new home!

The biggest thank you goes to you who rehome those dogs or come to view them. Like lots of dogs in the past some of the rehoming has been brilliant. The best moments I have had have been rehoming dogs such as: Gemini and Cancer, Kelly, Tibbles, Max, Mandy, Ross, Tilly, Maddy, Marbles and my number one homing is Freda a dog who came to us skin and bones.
Thank you,
Laila Richard.

Hope to hear from you soon! Email us at!