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Our Map

This is our map, if you follow the links, you will follow the path of our searchers. Dania's searching will be highlighted by red, danielle's by green and connor's by purple. Each page represents a 15 minutes interval. We chose 15 minute interval's because there is never a time when a room is searched in less than 15 minutes (2 people searching it). Therefore, sometimes, one group (person) will be ahead of another person or group so they'll have to wait for 15 minutes or more to stay, guard and wait for the others to catch up. The highlighting of each of us is "spraypaint" and sometimes covers the room name, but you can see it partially. All pictures are equal to the explanation on the page's paragraph. WHY WE CHOSE A WEBSITE? We chose to show our plan on a website because it is easier to see and more 'user friendly'. No hands moving figures etc. Just flip through our pages to see how we're gonna' capture our hidden person! Click on the link to start at stage one.

to stage one