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Cae Canol HOME

Message Board



E-mail Webmaster

Offical PACT Website

Campers Main Website

Hello and welcome to the Campers Website. Use the links on the left to go to different pages on the site.

CAE CANOL HOME will take you back to this page.
MESSAGE BOARD read and write messages with friends you made at camp.
PHOTOS see photos from the camp.
LOOK-A-LIKE just a bit of fun.
E-MAIL WEBMASTER about anything to do with the website.
OFFICAL PACT WEBSITE goes to the offical PACT website.
CAMPERS MAIN WEBSITE has links to the other camp websites.

25/12/03 A new page has been added - LOOK-A-LIKE, click the link on the left to see it.

04/12/03 Cae Reunion photos are on the website, some from Hugo, a few from Greg(me). Any more photos are very welcome, e-mail/talk to us about the best way to get them on the website.

15/09/03 Yay! I finally got my photos developed and I've been very fast with putting them on the website. Sadly, there aren't many but they're still good and read the bit below.

This website was originally created, and is currently maintained by Gregory Marler to contact him, e-mail
This website and it's contents are not offically part of PACT activity holidays, just a website created by campers who wanted to keep in contact with campers, because we love the camps so much.