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Good People Who Can Help You

So you’ve finally admitted to yourself that you are a) a democrat, b) a socialist, c) a fascist, or d) a communist. Either way YOU ARE A LIBERAL. You believe that government is what makes the United States of America great and not individual freedoms and the constitution. You don’t like the idea of private citizens owning guns. You love to show your ever-growing compassion by stealing money from those evil rich people who still don’t pay their fair share of taxes and then give that money to one of your half-wit constituents who have nothing better to do than watch daytime television and download children. However if you would like to make amends and repent for your portion of degenerating this noble country then I suggest you seek out one of these nice folks below. They’ll be more than happy to set you on the straight and narrow. Nevertheless, if you have come to the conclusion that what I am saying is "hate speech," then I suggest you LEAVE THIS SITE NOW and get a government job if you do not already have one. Here this may suit you more:

Chuck Baldwin
Neal Boortz
Charles Colson
Ann Coulter
Jerry Falwell
Don Feder
Billy Graham
Sean Hannity
Hannity & [Rat Face] Colmes
David Horowitz
Laura Ingraham
G. Gordon Liddy
Rush Limbaugh
Oliver North
Ted Nuget
Bill O'Reilly
The O'Reilly Factor
Mike Reagan
Michael Savage
Laura Schlessinger
Thomas Sowell