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Today I found out that someone, in our school, has died. Brain Locklear. Only 14 he passed away of heart faliure. Someone so young losing thier life before being able to complete any of thier ambitions in life. No one knew that at such a young age they could lose a friend, the way we lost Brian. But now that we all did, we can only do one thing, and that is grow and now we have the relization of how lucky we are to be living. Everything happens for a reason. One life lost has affected 100 living. Everything...all of this....shocking, but true. Not a rumor, sadly. I may not have known him very well, but I will truly miss him. This has taught me to take advantage of every oppotunity to talk to people, talk to them no matter who they are. Tell people how I feel, because tomorrow, they just might not be there.

R.I.P. Brian Locklear