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The Ex-Boyfriends Suck Web Site!

When indecent guys need bashing, we're the ones to do it.

You want a site with no restrictions about bashing bad ex boyfriends?

You got it.

The greatest parts about this site:

If you're like me, then you're going through life (and relationships) wondering if you're just a magnet for unworthy, boring, hideous, crazy, shallow, or otherwise horrible men. You're wondering if the universe isn't just using you for their own amusement, to see how many bad relationships it takes for you to swear off men altogether and become a lesbian. (Hmm, maybe the universe is a bunch of frat guys.) A sort of cosmic joke, if you will. You may be wondering yourself if you were really meant to find a decent guy, or wondering if maybe the perfect life involves waltzing down to your friendly neighborhood sperm bank and saving yourself the hassle. Worst of all, you may be wondering if everyone else has figured out guys, and snagged up that perfect one who cooks, cleans, AND pleases you in bed.

Well, wonder no more!

This site is dedicated to reassuring you that you aren't the only unfortunate soul out there. We know, honey. And we're here to help.

All you have to do to share a story (don't be shy now, it's all for the cause) is scroll to the bottom of this page and click on "Share Your Stories Here." If, however, you feel like you don't want to share just yet, you can see what the other brave souls like yourself have gone through by scrolling to the bottom and clicking "Read Other Stories Here."

However, please note that this site is not designed nor intentioned to provide any assistance or relief from such situations. It is simply a forum for lighthearted discussion, and stories relating to domestic abuse, sexual assault, rape, or otherwise violent stories may not be appropriate for this specific web site. So please, if you have stories like that, visit your local Sexual Abuse/Domestic Violence Program or search for your state-specific website.

Men are dogs.

Now you can sound off on why you sent them to the doghouse.

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person to better themselves through visitation to this site.
