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Baby Pictures

this is me when i was like 1.*confused*

Yeah Im sticking out my tongue..i was always a smartass hehehe.
I was like 4 in this picture..and NO im not ON her back im just squatting...ok...calm down, calm down...
yeah my hair..i know lol.I was 1 in this picture..Im in my hoola skirt...hehehehe
This is me in Kindergarten..oh man i remember those days..
this is me and jenny gettin ready for aunt kathy's wedding..she was the flower gurl and i was the Junior Brides Maid.
This is me now...well recently.

This is my house..when it was snowing..
This..Is dog..she is a Bichon Frise...she is like me...wild and stubborn. hehehe
This is Jasmine..she is a mix with Lab and pointer, and she is very sweet....but shes a guard dog...weve had an incident where she bit someone...heh...
This is my sister...Jenny...shes crazy...and she likes to act Ghetto..but shes really not lol..she just..a 13 yr old..almost 14 tho!
This is my Grandmother Bird...She is the wisest person I know, and she is the sweetest woman you will ever meet...she gave me her engagement sweet...I look up to her so much, becuz she knows alot, and is always right about every single situation. I swear shes psychic! But shes a good Christian Woman she dont believe in psychics....there is much more to say, but i need room for the other pics!
This is the Man who is paying for my college...Grandaddy Bird..he is married to Grandma Bird *refer to pic above)I swear the man is a total genius...ask him about ANY topic..and he knows it, just about everything about it...this is an old pic...but it still looks like him...guess whose he the hospital....yay!!but anyways..We like to debate and argue, and this is who i get my wittiness from.
This is my other grandparents Pepaw and Grandmommy Watson...I love them so much, well I love all my family...Pepaw is the fisherman of the family...the boat man...woo hoo! and my gma.. is the quilt woman..I swear, ive never seen a woman work so hard with a piece of cloth and scraps...they are both very special.

This man right here is my daddy...I love him very much...just sometimes..he is so annoying...but he is a funny guy...hes really goofy, and we have our good times.... and we have our bad times thats for sure, but i love him, and he really wants me to go to Auburn, becuz thats what i want, and he is encouraging me to head for my dreams, and reach for the stars...
This is my mom....the one beside mary poppins...she *thinks* shes perfect...but well thats a different story, BUT i do love her very much, she taught me how to be a smartass, and how to be yeah..My mom is really a good woman.