
Please give me time to repost everything! <3

My Pictures

» my full name is isabelle lynn. but my friends call me belle. im a 21 year old chick living in Texas. born on 4-21-81. brown hair, brown eyes. love status: single.

»loves: cuddling, kissing, hugs, reading, HTML, the real world, road rules and much more.

»hates: spiders, snakes, rats, liars, cheaters, jerks and bitches.

Site is going under some major construction. Please stay tuned. The blog will be reposted in about a week once i get my computer completely reformatted. I love you guys!
Isabelle Lynn

I know it might take me awhile to get everything back up, but for those of you who know me, please vote!


Also, big props to my sexay baybee Trish for helping me set up my voting code! I love you sugah plums. Hope to see you next weekend. Everyone go see her! Shes super sexay and has great cam shows! Who knows.. next weekend i might be on cam with her. ;oP

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