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We Buy, Build, Sell, Lease and Renovate Properties

Unique Programs to Lend Your Money Safely Using Well Secured Real Estate Collateral




Who WE Are:

We are a multi service company who BUYS, REPAIRS, RENOVATES, MANAGES, and SELLS HOMES.

We work with Sellers who:

Are motivated to sell quickly due to transfer, divorce, job loss, income change, downsizing, death, fire and more

Simply don’t want to wait the time it will take to sell their home or go through the hassle of showing their home, qualifying buyers, negotiating contracts or fixing up the property for sale

Want a quick, fair, hassle free offer to sell their house

We work with several types of Buyers:

Some want to secure a home, live in it now and want to explore all options in how, when and what type of financing they will get to buy the home.

Others want to move into the property now before they complete the tedious loan application and loan processing delays.

In some situations they need time to alleviate a shortage of down payment, time to solve credit issues, or just want to "try-out" the house, schools or neighborhood.

After our Optionee/Buyers move in, they are free to work with traditional Lenders to get "seasoned" so they can qualify for a new loan to buy the property.

We also buy homes and resell them quickly to other investors and end users. Depending on the situation, we’ll do limited repairs before reselling.



What WE Do:

We Provide Sellers and Buyers Unique Opportunities to Create Our Profit

We Provide Sellers:

  • A no hassle, friendly transaction
  • A quick and flexible home sale
  • A fair price · Quick attention
  • Ability to Sell their house in any condition
  • Clear, understandable paperwork
  • Ability to move when they choose

We Provide Buyers the Above, Plus:

  • Time to work out credit issues
  • A guaranteed savings program to build up enough down payment to purchase.
  • Someone who understands their problems and can provide solutions.




How WE Can Help You, the Lender:

We have the "know how"

We can help you establish TAX FREE retirement income

We have the contacts to open Self Directed IRA Accounts that permit you to make high yield loans secured by real estate

We have several low risk, high return programs to suit:

  • For those with IRA funds, we can assist in setting up a "Self Directed Individual Retirement Account" that will allow your IRA to lend funds for our deals

  • For those with Roth IRA Accounts
  • For those with personal or family cash available for investment

  • For those with company funds available for investment

We have the deals – Safe, Secure Real Estate – most with excellent locations, near schools, shopping and employment centers

We borrow for renovated and un-renovated properties

We’ll answer all your questions to your satisfaction before we do business together


Two Ways to Earn Better Returns on Your Money:

Our "Get Acquainted" Program:

With as little as $5,000 you can invest your funds with good, safe market rate returns.

You can receive interest on interest with our accrual program.

Once we have an investment opportunity for you, we’ll provide the details. You’ll then have the opportunity to accept or reject the deal.

Our "MAX Investor" Program:

With larger investments we can offer greater returns.

In some cases we can offer our accrual program or quarterly or yearly payments.

You’ll receive priority status on deals as they become available, and of course we’ll provide all the details you’ll need.



The REAL World for Lenders who follow traditional lending practices…

Underwriting and Approving a loan takes time.

The details are sketchy and do not answer all the questions you should be asking.

The Collateral is Risky

The property valuations are not dependable.

The borrowers are not flexible.

The interest rates are too low! You deserve more!

Why Should You Follow the Conventional Lending Process When You Want To
Maximize Profits?


The "Dirty Little Secret" your stockbroker doesn’t want you to know…

You can control your investments in your retirement and investment accounts!

You Have a Choice:

Stay in the stock market

  • Guess at the next wave
  • Hope for the best
  • Gamble on the future
  • Have no control

Or, Invest in well-secured notes

Know the collateral

  • Know your borrower
  • See the details
  • Make your own decisions
  • Be in control of your future
  • Decide the return you wish to have
  • Eliminate concern for macro economics

The Choice is Yours!


How We Benefit YOU:

We can close fast. If necessary, within 24 hours. Or, we can fit your schedule, based on our availability of properties and your availability of funds.

We offer minimum headaches with maximum returns

We offer low risk

We will provide all the support documentation:

  • Property valuation details;

  • Property details;

  • Property Acquisition Worksheet showing how we arrived at our numbers and cash needs

We have the paperwork to borrow your money and give you maximum protection

We have the closing attorneys/title companies

We can work within your schedule. Let us know when you’ll have funds available and we’ll try to have a deal ready when you have the funding




Photos of a House That
Private Money Built

Some of our projects are new construction. Here are some pictures that Private Money Built. You can see that these homes are really nice. Private money helps us to provide housing for our community. We also buy homes that need renovation. We take them from being the drudge of the neighborhood to a place where a family would like to live. We hope you can see the value that you place in the community that we live in.












Here’s the deal:

Land: $5,500
Estimated Construction/Addition Expense: $55,000
Estimated Value: $92,900

Here’s the actual numbers:

Total Funds Borrowed: $69,675
Term of Loan: 12 Months
Value per Appraisal: $92,900
Lender Earned: $6,967.50!



This was a Foreclosure bail out!




Some properties don’t need any major repairs, just some cosmetics and marketing.

Here are the numbers for this deal:

Purchase Price: $55,000
(Existing Loan Payments Taken Over)

Cost of Repairs: $2,500

Amount Borrowed: $10,000
(For Fix-up and Payments on Underlying Loan)

Term of Loan: 12 Months




Types Of Investments We Can Offer You:

Based on your availability of funds, we can keep all or any portion of your funds earning interest

We can offer short term or long-term investments based on your investing goals

If your goal is higher than average returns we can offer higher rates based on the loan amount and length of loan

If your goal is safety, we can offer very low risk investments at lower rates

Tell Us What You Want or Need Many Other Possibilities Exist Let’s Talk!

What WE Need to Get Started:

If you are investing personal or family funds we merely need to know the amounts available and the time frame in which they are available.

If you are investing Traditional IRA or Roth IRA funds and you do not have a self-directed account that allows you to make loans on real estate, then you’ll need to complete an application to open an account with a different third party fiduciary who does allow this type of investment. We can provide the forms for this if needed. Once the new account is established a trustee-to-trustee transfer of your funds to the new account will be required. We’ll be glad to work with you to streamline the process and get your funds working as soon as possible.

The faster you get this to us, the quicker you can earn better than average, safe returns on your investment dollars!







PHONE 772-633-4004


FAX 772-569-0279