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-XBahamu7 ZeroX




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Boomer Kuwanger> below Flame Mammoth

Now u have the missiles but don't use any of them throughout the course of the level.  You will desperately need them to defeat the boss.  If u can't defeat the shield soldier by tempting him and attacking, just keep using tornado.  After u defeat a mess of the fat beetles and climb up the ladder, charge your weapon to pink intensity.  Switch to SHIELD and release Y.  This is a really good trick.  It works for most of the level.  Go to the platform and beware the spikes.  The shield will destroy any enemies coming your way.  Climb up the many ladders until u reach safe ground at the very top.  SHIELD no longer affects enemies from this point.  Finish the level and defeat Boomer with MISSILES.


Sting Chameleon> next to Spark Mandrill

Continue the level until there are rocks overhead.  Go back to the pit and fall into it.  There should be water here.  Destroy the rocks by climbing on them.  After that's done, dash to the right and jump to obtain the next HEART PIECE.  Climb out of the pit and go to the left.  Dash jump and climb up to where the rocks are over head.  You should be above the rocks now.  Destroy the Machine mini boss.  U can only hurt it when u attack his eye.  There is also a window of opportunity to attack him when he attacks with his chain arm.  He should begin to smoke more and more severely when he gets close to dying.  Once he dies, Dr. Light should pop up and give u the final piece of X's upgrades, the BODY ARMOR.  This reduces damage done to X by half.  Complete the rest of the level.  When fighting in the robot suit dash and attack hurts much more than just a plain punch.  


Every Stage Has now been completed. Here are ways to get items that require certain weapons to attack to obtain.  


-In Chill Penguin Level.

     any time after obtaining FIRE.  After u get the suit and pass the first igloo, jump u and press up X to jump higher and get out.  Climb up and destroy the igloo with FIRE.  Get a HEART PIECE.


-In Boomer Kuwanger Level.

     any time after obtaining BOOMERANG.  Get to the point where u cannot use SHIELD to destroy enemies.  Use BOOMERANG to catch the HEART PIECE.


-In Spark Mandrill level

     any time after obtaining BOOMERANG.  Go up the first ladder, down the second ladder.  U should see a SUB TANK.  Jump and use BOOMERANG to get it.  Now for the task of the final HEART PIECE.  The next place is where u have to climb down a ladder but it is dark.  U should be above the enemies with spikes on their hands that ride on wheels.  Climb up the side of the wall and use BOOMERANG to get it.  This is still hard even for me.  Try it from different distances from the wall and face different directions.  Remember that it is possible to lose all your BOOMERANG.  Then u will need to esc. and redo it.


To be continued....[including hadouken and sigma levels]

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