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Welcome to the United States Of Angela ... I am the President ... the Queen ... the Emporess ... the Law ... the Jury ... the Religion ... tha mutha fuccin FBI ... Ne Questions???żżż
**Bad Ass**
Back Off Name: ((Angie))
Location: ((Da 3-0-4 ))
Hair Color: ((Dirty Blonde))
Eye Color: ((Blue))
Favorite Things To Do: ((Talk on hea and jus chill and bein my bad ass self 24/7))

((Shout Outz)) *Amanda*Heather Imb.*Ebby*Kt S.*Amber*Cre-Cre*Yana*Heather Ish.*Danielle*La&Ma Keisha*Melissa*Megan***Scuba*DJ*Matt*Justin*Hash*Brandon R.*Devin*Dustin*Larry*Travis*Ruben *****And 2 ne 1 else i 4-got jus let me kno and i will put cha on hea I promise!!!