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trick learning tip

hah wow this is gonna b a big post. Id like to strat of by saying Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!! I learned backflip!! I did it without a spotter, and landed on feet after third try. Here is the way I did it, and also a sort of merthod that let me learn aerial flip as well. I just returned home from a campground in canada, where me and my family were camping. Since i was boreed out of my mind, and there wasnt any good placce for tricks, I went to the beach. I was in the water andout thight to waist deep, playing frisbeewith my sister. I was thinking about backflips at the time, Wishing i could do them, and wondering when I could get a spotter to try. Suddenly a thoguht occured to me. Since I was in water that deep, I figured that I would try a backflip. I did it knowing two things. First off, there was no way in hell I was gonna be able to do it in water that deep. But I also knew that even If I landed on my head, I would lose enough momentum by the time I reached the lakes bottom, that I wouldnt be injured. So basically, It went likee this. Ithoguht over the technique, and tried a backflip. Of course, since the water was so deep, I wouldnt make it. I made it as far as my stomach, and hit the water like a sort of belly flop. I discovered that doing it in this way, without the fear of getting hurt, or having to wory about landing in any way completely eliminated the fear behind the trick after I did it that one time, I got over the fear, now knowing what it was like to go back like that. However, I wasn't ready to try it on grass after just one attempt. So I moved a little closer to sore, maybye knee deep. I knew there was abigger chance to get hurt, but also that I could jump higher, and get more momentum. So I tried again. This time, I gt farther, making it to my knees, instead of stomach. I repeated the process, and went a little shallower, about low shin or ankle deep. I knew that if I crashed here, it would be just as bad as on grass; this much water wouldnt stop me. But somehow, the houguht of doing it in the water made it easier. So I tried the third time. I landed it right there on my feet, with no spotter. My first backflip. So the, I wanted to practice it, to get it down. I moved to the waters edge, on paacked wet sand, so it was hard enough to jump on, and so that I would still land in the water where it was soft. I did it again, and landed it. I kept onwith it until I could do it in the deep sand n the beach, and finally went on to grass. You'd be suprised, the sand at the bottom of a beach is firm enough under water to do this stuff. All you have to do is get out of the water and its jsut like grass. Anyway, the whole point of this is that I learned aerial in much the same way. I couldnt do it no matter how hard I tried. So i went to the beach. I practiced the form over and over again, of course crashing every time, since the sand was so deep and I couldn't jump high enough. But after I got the for mdown without fear of crashing, I went to a gym and did it right in a few tries; my first aerial. I guess the point of the thread is; if any of you aactually read it all, is that despite what you may think, tricking on beaches is a very good way to learn, and to practice techniques, since there is a much smaller chance of getting hurt, and you can focus on the for mof your trick, rather than not crashing it. My only 2 inverted tricks so far are aerial and backflip, both of which I learned with the help of a friendly beach here or there. So I may be new at tricking, but I just wanted to point out this way of learing.. it helped me a LOT. What aare your guys opinion on it? -Thx- Lanfear