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This Rp Layout, as well as Rp was made by Michelle I don't have time to make everyone else a layout so don't even bother. And don't you dare steal my Roleplay, along with the Layout. For everyone who is actually talented, and do make their own layouts, you all know what a pain in the ass it is to set them up, making the html codes and shyt perfect. All of us talented designers spend hours of our free time on this shyt. So don't go around stealing a layout, and editing it to meet your needs in only five minutes, when we spend hours on it, and don't even get credit. Sure, my layout might look like a lot out there, but hey, that doesn't mean I stole it. I simply just liked the idea, so I made my layout like some others out there, adding my style, and creativity to it, thus making it all mine. As well as the html for it. I started with the HTML Tag, and I suggest you do to.

Aim: xMizzxDeliriouz

Mercy Wrestling Federation has just opened on June 9th.. But so far, only one diva has been signed.. She is a former WWE Diva who held the womens title on four different occasions. She has gave up on WWE and has decided to team up with the new uprising MWF! Trish plans to redo her WWE routine and become the MWF Womens Champion. But will she do it being as she salong with herself she brought in divas like Lita tacy Keibler, Torrie Wilson?! Well you will olny be able to view MWF Raw to find out

Camera's come on and they show a empty hallway backstage in the Staples Center. Ten next thing you know, you can hear some growning and grunting in the distance..Suddenly Trish Stratus is seen coming around the corner with piles and piles of luggage. Carrying about 130lbs of clothes and things, a backstage worker comes running to her aide..

צ 'The Backstage Worker' Carl ׻ Oh hey.. Let me help you out with that.

צ 'The Maple Leaf Beauty' Trish Stratus ׻ Thanks so much! Sorry i usually dont have this much stuff but today is my debut so ya know i have to be ready..

צ 'The Backstage Worker' Carl ׻ Debut?..OH! Your Tr-r-rrish Str-r-atus! The Queen of Stratussfaccttion!

צ 'The Maple Leaf Beauty' Trish Stratus ׻ (Giggles) Yeah that would be me

צ 'The Backstage Worker' Carl ׻ Finaly! You dropped that crummy WWE and deicded to team up with none other than the MWF!

צ 'The Maple Leaf Beauty' Trish Stratus ׻ Well yeah i guess you can say that..i have had alot of memories their in WWE though

צ 'The Backstage Worker' Carl ׻ the one where Vince McMahon humiliated you with Stephanie McMahon

צ 'The Maple Leaf Beauty' Trish Stratus ׻ Well uh yeah.. But that wasnt exactly the memory i had in mind..More like the times where i won the womens title on few occasions..

צ 'The Backstage Worker' Carl ׻ Well ya do have those opprotunities here in MWF..

צ 'The Maple Leaf Beauty' Trish Stratus ׻ Hmm..That is True..But yeah, do you have any idea where my lockeroom may be?

צ 'The Backstage Worker' Carl ׻ Yeah well lets see.. Girl lockerooms are usually on the leftside and so far you are the only diva here so the open door will be yours..

צ 'The Maple Leaf Beauty' Trish Stratus ׻ Alrighty Than. Thanks so much, i can make it from here..

צ 'The Backstage Worker' Carl ׻ Good. See you around..

צ 'The Maple Leaf Beauty' Trish Stratus ׻ Likewise (she smiles)

Trish smiles and she takes her bags and rolls them into the nearest room. She smiles, sighs and sits down in the couch and starts to pick up a MWF Magazine.She begins to read it as she sits there and humms. Suddenly none other than Stacy Keibler walks through the door. Stacy looks around and looks down at Trish with a half smile on her face..

צ 'The Maple Leaf Beauty' Trish Stratus ׻ Umm.. Yeah?

צ 'The Leggy Goddess' Stacy Keibler ׻ Trish..Trish STRATUS..Is that you?

Trish then stands up putting her magazine down and she walks over to Stacy

צ 'The Maple Leaf Beauty' Trish Stratus ׻ Yep it is..and your.. Stacy Keibler!

צ 'The Leggy Goddess' Stacy Keibler ׻ Yeah.. Long time no see Trish..better known as the queen of stratusfaction! WWE's Queen of Stratusfaction

צ 'The Maple Leaf Beauty' Trish Stratus ׻ Ha! And then their was you, Stacy Keibler.. WWE'S Leggy Goddess

צ 'The Leggy Goddess' Stacy Keibler ׻ Yepz. That was me! But yeah, so how has it been going?

צ 'The Maple Leaf Beauty' Trish Stratus ׻ Pretty Good. Just glad to be here, finaly out of WWE..They were truly gettin annoying..

צ 'The Leggy Goddess' Stacy Keibler ׻ I agree. We did have a good line going on in WWE though.

צ 'The Maple Leaf Beauty' Trish Stratus ׻ Yeah i know. We were supposed to be tag team partners until Vince McMahon came back and ruined it!

צ 'The Leggy Goddess' Stacy Keibler ׻ So True.. You wanna maybe boost those lines back up? If ya know what I mean..

צ 'The Maple Leaf Beauty' Trish Stratus ׻ Hmmm..So lets get this straight, are you thinking, what im thinking?

צ 'The Leggy Goddess' Stacy Keibler ׻ I think so. How bout it..

צ 'The Maple Leaf Beauty' Trish Stratus ׻ Great--

Before Trish could complete her sentence, there was a knock on the door. Stacy goes to open it as its MWF Owner Ric Flair at the door.

צ 'The MWF Owner' Ric Flair ׻ Well if it isnt Trish Stratus the Maple Leaf Beauty and Stacy Keibler the leggy goddess!

צ 'The Maple Leaf Beauty' Trish Stratus ׻ Hey Flair hows it going?

צ 'The MWF Owner' Ric Flair ׻ Good Good. Welcome to MWF Girls, im glad ya signed with us..But straight to the point, It seems as you two are gettign along well huh?

צ 'The Leggy Goddess' Stacy Keibler ׻ Yeah well i guess you could say that...

צ 'The Maple Leaf Beauty' Trish Stratus ׻ Yeah were planning on teaming up..

צ 'The MWF Owner' Ric Flair ׻ Ouch..

צ 'The Maple Leaf Beauty' Trish Stratus ׻ Umm.. Excuse me?

צ 'The MWF Owner' Ric Flair ׻ Oh im sorry, its just that i came here to present you with the Raw Card for this week..

צ 'The Leggy Goddess' Stacy Keibler ׻ ..And?

צ 'The MWF Owner' Ric Flair ׻ Well i had sorta planned it to be Trish Stratus vs Stacy Keibler..basically you vs you..

צ 'The Leggy Goddess' Stacy Keibler ׻ Oh well.. Uhh thats not gonna work , you need to change that..

צ 'The Maple Leaf Beauty' Trish Stratus ׻ Nah Stace, think about it.. we are Stacy and Trish..The two best divas here so we'd be putting on one hell of a match for the audience..

צ 'The Leggy Goddess' Stacy Keibler ׻ Well thats true..

צ 'The Maple Leaf Beauty' Trish Stratus ׻ Besides its the only time theese people will probably get to see us in the ring against each other

צ 'The MWF Owner' Ric Flair ׻ I Like the way you two think..

צ 'The Maple Leaf Beauty' Trish Stratus ׻ Of Course.. Most people do..

The two girls giggle as they walks out the room leaving Flair with a half smile..then a full smile.. Commercial then comes on. When commercial returns it shows a door that reads 'Trish Stratus'..Suddenly Stacy Keibler walks up and knocks, instead of Trish answering, they talk through the doors..

צ 'The Leggy Goddess' Stacy Keibler ׻ Hey TRISH! Its ME! Open UP!

צ 'The Maple Leaf Beauty' Trish Stratus ׻ Here I Come..

The door then opens to see Trish wearing a black jacket covering whatever is under it..She then picks up her cowboy hat and puts it on..

צ 'The Maple Leaf Beauty' Trish Stratus ׻ Be right back..

Trish then winks as she than smiles and walks down the hallways. Moments later in the ring part of the arena. It gets quiet as suddenly ''Time to Rock & Roll'' hits and then the queen of stratusfaction was seen at the top of the ramp.. Fans go wild as Trish walks down the ramp with a smile on her face. She then steps in the ring between the bottom and middle ropes. She gets in and poses in the center for a standing ovation. Smiling, she waits for her music to fade out as she is handed a mic..

צ 'The Maple Leaf Beauty' Trish Stratus ׻ Well..Im HERE!! (Cheers) And I am finally pitted in Mercy Wrestling Federation1 Now really i feel great to be here because well quite frankly WWE dosnt have what MWF Has..And currenty that is Me, Trish STRATUS! Now i didnt truly come out here to blabber but what i will say is this week when i take on Stacy Keibler, you, the audience will be amazed. I mean when you take two divas like myself and Stacy and put them in a ring together, you truly get an outstanding match. And thats exactly what me and Stacy are going to deliver to you people. Its suggested that you all tune it because well as it is being annouced, I, Myself and none other than the Leggy Goddess Stacy Keibler will be teaming up to Stratusfy and Keiblertize all you people at home..and the divas around here, but see that part might now be to clean. But back on Subject, For those who dont exacty know who i might be, well let me show you..

A little music than hits as Trish than slowly takes off her jackey to reveal a black bikini. The fans go crazy as Trish smiles, turns around and poses for every side. She than picks the mic back up..

צ 'The Maple Leaf Beauty' Trish Stratus ׻ Like what you see? Well get used to it because Trish Stratus is here and im ready to deliver 100% Stratusfaction.. And thats Guarenteed!

Trish than drops the mic as she smiles and walks backstage