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It’s sometime in the distant future. The world has been demolished years ago since WWIII, and all but for New Zealand. In the middle of a rounded chain of mountains, the only living survives – a measely civilization of 20 000 or so people dwell. Although they are quite sophisticated technologically, they have to be wary of using any of their sophisticated devices. Although they are shielded by the large mountain chain, and the fertile land of new Zealand, the ocean and skies above them are still poisoned with nuclear fall-out and deadly chemicles.

Everything seemed quite peaceful for the small, new-formed country by the name of Avalon. Everything was peaceful until they were brutally attacked by a massive army of robots, which seemingly came out of nowhere.

Rumours were heard through Avalon that the psychotic leader who wished to overtake the world had been building a legion of robots that were programmed to reproduce themselves, then mercilessly kill whatever opponents their creator wished of them. Now, with their leader having died, and nuclear fall-out having corrupted most of their programming, the robots are an unstoppable killing force, having only basic animal instincts of survival, hatred, and supremecy.

This is when Avalon, a city of harsh metallic building surrounded by lush greenery, decided to form a small group named the Digerati. This elite group was brought together in order to hold off the robotic army until plans could be configured in order to defeat them. The leaders, an enderly couple by the names of Delta and Epsilon, who had been opposed to war from its beginning, reign Avalon benevolently. They strongly support the ideals of individualism, as well a society working as one. This is why there are no last names in Avalon, and every child, at the age of 5, after having studied in school, will choose their own name. Education is strongly prominent, especially both maths and arts, because it is believed a combination of the two will result in the most creative and functional of ideas. Health is also a huge factor in Avalon, and everyone attempts to keep in peak health, both mentally and physically. Sex is not a thing that is shunned, and the society of Avalon is very accepting of it, especially since they wish for the population of humans to steadily rise once more.

Avalon is a civilization that is dependant on technology, especially such things that were rampantly popular before WWIII, for example internet, and cell phones. Communication and relationships are cherished in Avalon, because it is believed it is what had kept the human species alive. New inventions have been created – such things as pods, modules, and central power systems – things akin to the ideas of a computer mainframe.

The symbol for Avalon is the infinity sign – meaning that the human species will live forever, as long as they can learn to love eachother.

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