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My Journal.... For Everyone Who Wants To Know About My Life
Saturday, 16 August 2003
mood: very happy
i went to the movies and seen freddy vs. jason. it was an okay movie. i got to see sol too. thats a good thing. we ended up taking cameron home from the movies because his ride left him... lol ... HaHa. Im a very good friend, right cameron?! Yeah.. thats what i thought. well i think im gonna go now. haha. i dont know if im gonna write in this ever again.. i think its about retarded!

Posted by ex/ash2007 at 1:07 AM EDT
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Friday, 15 August 2003
mood: ?
i dont feel like writing .

Posted by ex/ash2007 at 4:54 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 13 August 2003
mood: ... i dont know what kind of mood im in... (not a bad one though)
i went to the beach so i havent got to write.!
so. you ask how it went.? it sucked. i would never go back unless i had a friend go with me. i would have had a pretty dang good time if it wouldnt have been for my step-dad. all he did was COMPLAIN COMPLAIN COMPLAIN. he even complained about us complaining.. AHH! well... i played miniature golf, rode an air-plane, uhh. im not quite sure what else we did. but... at least i got to talk to Sol everynight. yah no? i would like to go down there with just my mom. that would be fun. no complaining baout anything. that would be just grand. at least i would see peace!..LoL ... well i think im gonna go call sol.... Bye Bye

Posted by ex/ash2007 at 8:36 PM EDT
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Saturday, 9 August 2003

I Love Sol Marcum

Posted by ex/ash2007 at 1:09 AM EDT
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mood: ?_________?
i havent done much since the last time i wrote. i have talked to sol & tyler & paige... im watching the Tom Green Show right now... i love this show. they better have it on the tv at myrtle beach or i will be very upset! LoL... there isnt much to write about right now so i think im gonna go and watch THE SHOW!...LoL...HaHa! Bye

Posted by ex/ash2007 at 12:06 AM EDT
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Friday, 8 August 2003
mood: im really not in a mood right now... but im not mad or anything
im on the phone with Paige right now. she's a nut.
i talked to tosha and caleb today on the internet.i didnt get to talk to caleb much. it seems as if he & i are not talking as much as we used too.
tosha is supposed to come up here...maybe ..
i havent seen her all summer.. i miss her.. we havent been really close... but still she's a really great friend... Tyler called me last night about 4:00 and left a message screaming then he just started singing 'where is the love' all of a sudden. LoL... it was very funny.. i miss Sol. i wish i could see him more often. he is someone i really could spend all of my time with.. he isnt boring or mean... or anything.LoL... but he doesnt like for me to say "Geez"... he says its gay.. so i try not to say it a lot... but sometimes it haha ... ! oh well!.. i can't wait until the next hillclimb. there hasnt been one in a while... i love those things.. even if i do go just to goof off with my friends.! the last hillclimb was great. thats where Sol & i first talked. well i think im gonna go clean my room.. i will be back to write a little later... (maybe)..
...(if you read this please post a comment)...

Posted by ex/ash2007 at 6:02 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 8 August 2003 11:57 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 6 August 2003
mood: sad
i havent wrote in a day or 2. but it isnt like anyone reads this anyway... right? shew i can't get over what happened to Steven. i just can't believe it. i will never see him again. thats an awful thought. he always made me smile when i was sad; he was hillarious. im gonna miss him so much & im shur everyone else will too. * i talked to Sol a pretty long while last night. he's great to talk too. i can;t wait for school to start just so i can see him.
he's great. hmm. i really dont have anything to talk about... oh! i went to Wal*Mart today.!thats cool, huh? i also went to Pizza Hut. YUM ! well i think im gonna go and get off the computer and wait for Sol to call!.. Bye !

Posted by ex/ash2007 at 8:09 PM EDT
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Monday, 4 August 2003
mood: happy, yet, bored
Hmm.. i was going to write yesterday but my papaws computer kept locking up. yea. that stinks...
i didnt get bored though . i talked to tyler & sol for a little while then we hung up with sol because i had to tell tyler something very important and when we called sol back he had to get off the phone. but im glad to say that sol & i are going out now!
im glad that i decided too. at first i wasn't sure about it but i got to thinking and i thought it was right.! yay! shew i talked to tyler til about 3 last night. we talked about almost everything. he talked my head he's about the only person i can talk to for a long time and not run out of things too say. we found out that we're related. thats pretty cool.. well im gonna go take another nap. Bye

Posted by ex/ash2007 at 4:52 PM EDT
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Saturday, 2 August 2003
mood: im not in a good one
Shew.. i went to wal-mart today and i didnt see anyone i knew... I was supposed to go to the pool w/ paige today but mom wouldnt take me! GRR! that makes me so mad .. im tired. i really dont have anything to talk about.. my life is so boring.. i can't wait for school to start so i will have something to do .. shew.. when i get my car i will be so happy because i wont hafta stay here in the house all the time..! that will be great.. well im gonna go talk on icq... Later!

Posted by ex/ash2007 at 6:50 PM EDT
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Friday, 1 August 2003
mood: _blank_
i have done nothing today...
im going to my dads this weekend so i probably wont be writing in this until Sunday.. Bye

Posted by ex/ash2007 at 6:14 PM EDT
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