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  Quake III capturestrike   ::main:: ::members:: ::matches:: ::links:: #koruption on etg and pgp  

  2.19.2003   kpn vs di rematch! round two! *ding!*   antihero

   For the rematch of these two teams, there was a lot of tension in the air, fueled by chameleon's earlier lip. In all fairness the rest of di had apologized on his behalf about an hour before the match started, so kudos to them for putting an end to the issue.

Games were camper crossings, and industrial revolution, rumoured to be one of di's better maps. kpn took both with maps in style, with a focussed effort on camper crossings, and some absolutely sick aim coming from the team of chronman, perfuse, dratom, and ginkis. di didn't have their full starting lineup until the second map, but there was no shortage of fillers for them. Throughout the match, evildoer, ttocs, clown, clockwork, skeezuh, chameleon, smokin9, and india showed up, and most all of them played.

GGs to di for 2 hard played maps, and I'm sure they'll come at us hard the next time we meet.

  2.12.2003   di > kpn in OGL match - wtf?   antihero

   Well.. we had our second ogl match yesterday, surprisingly none of our starters really showed up so we had a makeshift lineup of me (antihero), mynd, xfire, chronman, neogi, and lefty.. we swapped servers and players in the second map - nothing exciting there.

/di/ takes the match 2-0 .. ggs.

just today I had a /di/ start smack talking me in irc.. I'm not quite sure why ... I think it stems from something that was said in jest on a server about a week or week and 1/2 ago.. I don't recall.

Anyways.. here's a little link to the chat log.. cuz I think it's funny :)

  2.3.2003   GGz kN   ginkis

    Week 3 of the Battlefield Tourney concluded in another win against one of the greater teams in the ctfs community called clan keeN. First map was a domination of Camper Crossings (q3wcp14) in which the map seemed close but with an impregnable defense provided by kpN it was a strong win along with good teamwork from Xfire, Lefty, Perfuse, and Chronman.

Following the first map of Camper Crossings was kpN's pick which was Japanese Castles (q3wcp1). With a great offense kN put kpN on the ropes with a series of great offensive rushes but it was no match for the stable and skilled group of Koruption's combination of offensive and defensive adaptation.

I'd like to thank kN for giving us such good competition and sportsmanship during the match and look forward to seeing you guys in the future.

End Result: kpN > kN 2-0

  2.1.2003   kpn > kn ggs..   antihero

   Well.. one of these other yokels that actually saw both games was supposed to do a write up of the match, and say ggs etc.. apparently they all suck balls though, because it's not done yet.

So, no match stats yet, or match review, but ggs kn :)

  1.30.2003   W3WT TOURNEY   XFIRE

   kpN is looking forward to the upcoming event in hope that we WIN all our matches and show the CTFS community that we pretty much own the game/mod itself. So in conclusion, this post was created for sheer intimidation and egotistical purposes.


  1.26.2003   plug   terminal

   Ok, im going to plug my site - - which is also the host of this fine site. Do me a favor, show love and visit my site :).

  1.24.2003   matches updated   antihero

   Matches section is updated, with records and stats for our latest battlefield match, and our first ogl match as well. There no stats for the ogl match, but.. bah.. who needs them, it's the ogl :)

  1.23.2003   Battlefield match0r   chronman

    Good Games today fellas. As we all know, we played LD50 in battlefield. Our starting linup was Lefty, Ginkis, Perfuse and Dratom. Dratom hadnt played a match with us before, so i was a little iffy on how good he would do. Dratom turned out to totally fucking own. Lefty started off the first map, Camper Crossings, with some ownij moves on deci, but then his q3 started giving him homosexual messages and blurted out momma jokes. anyway i went in to sub for him since neogi, who was also speccing, had a crap connect for the night. i finished with low ass dmg but we owned the map anyway. 20-12 with perfuse coming out on top with most damage.
Next map was LD50's pick, Japanese Castles or whatever. at the beginning of the match we steam rolled them with severe lg rape, mad rockets, kung fu kicks and fists of fury. we finished the map 17-10, kpN winning, of course. lineup was the same as we left off on camper, Ginkis, Perfuse, Dratom and ChronMan. Yet again perfuse queent on dmg, but we were all in the same ownij level. ggs ass's.

  1.22.2003   we are teh winnars!   antihero

   well.. ok .. maybe not. we sucked ass on the first map (lunar) and lost by a close score of 12-11, second map we came back (shining forces) and forced the tb map to be played, with a dominating 17-9 win. Then -kn- turned on their hax and beat us on the tb (also.. shining forces) 18-11. GGs kn.. well played.. and ..j/k about the hax.. settle.

[edit] btw, to all our avid readers (3 ppl?) AVLI results will not be posted under the matches section, since we're not officially part of the tourney. [/edit]

  1.21.2003   AVLI fill-in match tonight vs -kn-   antihero

   Well.. it seems we have another match coming up here, tonight at 10pm est. Since there's no chance that kpN can win the tournament (being a fill in clan for someone else that dropped, like fags) this is little more than a sanctioned scrim. But with nothing to lose or win, it should be a good time to test out some strats..

Look for an update to be posted later tonight, where kpN are announced as teh winnars!

  1.21.2003   Half Life: Counter-Strike Version 1.6 due out soon   terminal


HL CS v1.6 is being worked on. The update will include new weapons, a new map, AND A SHIELD!!!!!!!

Read more at:

note: the steam thing was


  1.21.2003   OGL Match - kpN > sin 2-0   kpN.antihero

   not much more I can say about this match.. since I was only there for half of it..
The first map, being Lunar crossings, played to a not-so-close 18-6 .. and from what I've been told, the second map wasn't any closer. Never the less, ggs sin, you get bonus points for having a cool sounding tag =) Perfuse takes both maps in damage, nice work.


k o r u p t i o n