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name? Kristy Jean Klopfer

hey...didn't your name used to be 'Christie'?  yea, yea, yea.  I know everyone will disappointed to hear that I am no longer their savior ;).  well, y'all can go suck on it, cuz i think Jesus was a chill guy, but i'm not Christian. & now that i have an official new religion (Rikari), i don't really want another religion's messiah in my name. 

b-day? june 14, 1987

age (for ppl that are too lazy to think)? 15

sex? nope, still a virgin.  oh come on ppl, female

favorite condom flavor? banana, cuz its just the flavor a condom should be.

favorite movie? donnie darko (and the soundtrack rox too)

movies that scared the $h!t outta ya? the ring, blair witch project

favorite color? aqua

fave color for clothes? black (w/ exception for jeans)

fave animal? doxie, cat

wut pets do u have? 2 cats: jaati and mootie, and 1 fish: steve

how many piercings? 8...but my third holes have kind of closed up, o well... ill just have to break out a safety pin and show my ears who's boss. :)

wut CD r u listening to rite now? ..................hanson...mmm bop.  ok, listening to the simple plan CD like 5x in a row got a little old, but i have a feeling that this is gonna be a helluva lot worse.  lol

fave time of day? i 'spose it depends on the day. on Mon-Thurs i hate the entire day, friday i like everything from lunch till sat. nite. (i hate sundays cuz thats the day where all my procrastinating bites me in the a$$.)

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hanson is really starting to piss me off.... >8{}

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