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April Island

This is the future site of April Island, a Redwall-based club that was once fairly active, but became a ghost club shortly after the abdication of King Dathan and Queen Amaryllis. But...

Dathan has returned!

Seeing as I have been forced to get a new address and will be unable to just copy and paste everything from the old site due to a change in the password... things around here will be a little mixed up for a little while. There won't be many activities, and everything will be primitive. But I promise that I am trying to bring April Island back to its former glory. It just may take some time. Please bear with me, and check back every couple of days if something you remember isn't up yet. In the meantime, feel free to use the message board at the old site here old acquaintances - and get ready for the rebirth of April Island!

See the List of the Missing

The News Page

Go inside... *NOTE* Some of the links do not work yet. Be patient.