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Web Page Started.


The need to know about the new members, recuiters, and any shit about the clan we started the new proyect of the web page the current webmaster is  :              [AoD]Liquid-Hate..Email:

We are asking the help of any member that know about webpages things to help improve this webpage

    [AoD]   Liquid Hate


We [AoD] are Going To Expand


The current need of members gives now the acess to any member to recruit any person just with the following criteria:

1) Has a ping lower than 180 

2) Has the ability to show skills with diffrent weapons (Ex. M4A1, AWM, AK47, MP5)

3) Has the ability rushing and the use as backup force

4) He must not be a H4x0r......a tricky 1

    [AoD]    Liquid Hate


We Want a Server!


Because  we  show that we wanted to have a server we went asking for where to search and we concluded that we could have a server our clan server with the following plans


Half-Life And Mods Pricing Structure
Public Pricing (USD)
12 Players
$60.00 /mo 
14 Players
$70.00 /mo 
16 Players
$80.00 /mo 

**All servers are activated same day, and come with the following as standard.

  • FTP Access To Change Server Configuration
  • 5 Gigs Of Data Storage For Maps On Our SCSI Drives
  • Discounts on our other services
  • Admin Mod/ StatsMe / Valve Anti-Cheat installed as standard
  • 100mpbs Network and connectivity
  • No script installation restrictions imposed
  • Access to your very own server management control panel

          **The in-game stats generator 'StatsMe' comes as standard with all servers.

          For our clan members we need economical aid if we divide the price it will be easier to pay.

         **All The Members who help pay will recive admin access to the server

          The plan is to divide the price into 7 ppl this will give us only to pay 10 buck per month...and

          you will have access to the admin privile 


    [AoD]  Liquid Hate


[AoD] "Angels of Death" Clan Starts


[AoD] Clan starts because we have the idea that we must do a group first to gather and play thru internet still members can find other members of their same state and they can gather to play like LAN parties.. The ideas that this clan are helding are:

1) We are not going to have a leader because all members are the same..still some members will have a specialized
    a) Representatives.- The one who is going to represent us in tournaments like "CAL"
    b) Recruiters.- This group will be in charge to seek por good players who show the skills needed to be on the clan
    c)Masta Killas.- We all are of this class taking care of kicking some butts
2) We are not going to show any kind of racisim including

  Camping  Racisim - Snipeing Racisim - Relgious or Color Racisim

 "Hope for the future of this clan that we are going to show the skillz we have"

     [AoD] Liquid Hate

CS1.5 Full Mod
CS1.5 Full Retail
HL 1110 Full
HL 1110 Patch