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RISKY BUSINESS! HONEST COMPANIES ARE LOSING MILLIONS. THEY ARE BEING STALKED, CONNED, CHEATED AND BLACKMAILED DAILY ON THE WEB. Small businesses are the financial engines of this country! They are also the easiest targets for disreputable consumers.

This is what can happen to your business even if you are super honest and signed binding contracts.

You will run into IDIOTS who don't care what they signed, like Lisa Tarbet. She spent 1000 hours on Her computer to ruin my reputation. Result: She is considered mentally ill by all Consumer Protection Agencies.

I am a businessman and I am 100% honest with everyone! She was treated by me in the most business like manner. She filed complaints after complaints. Her case was thoroughly investigated by 8 Consumer Protection Agencies + The State Attorney in Florida.

ALL SAID THE SAME: There was no violation of any type on the part of TRD and the case she started was closed. TRD was not required to refund any money.

She twisted the facts and LIED in all her complaints. She is drawing a lots of attention as a poor VICTIM. She quickly become a CELEBRATED PROFESSIONAL VICTIM.

You be the Judge:

Before someone signs up with us to be an assembler we do make absolutely sure that the person understands the risk. We spend 3 pages on the explanation. It is on the top of our mailer,

“Refund option? NONE. It means no matter what happens the $250 fee will not be refunded.”

SEE ATTACHMENT 1. Lisa indeed investigated everything, BEFORE She signed up to be an assembler and decided to take the calculated risk. She says the risk, the nonrefundable policy etc... was explained to her clearly and She agreed with it. She is enjoying being the STAR of all Consumer Protection Forums as a “POOR VICTIM”. She is also enjoying answering hundreds of Emails from people who feel sorry for her. Proof is enclosed on this Site showing clearly that She is nothing but a LIAR!

She also says the Sample was working perfectly. Her story quickly changed. SEE ATTACHMENT 2. “She received junk”. “It did not work”. That is a LIE! Therefore, her complaints were dismissed and She is labeled not credible by all Consumer Protection Agencies.

She also agreed to SEE ATTACHMENT 3. She said if any problem She would arbitrate instead of filing complaints. She LIED again. She started posting hundreds of nasty messages on Consumer Forums.

We realized that She was unbalanced. Instead of fighting with her we simply offered a full refund. SEE ATTACHMENT 4.

She LIED again to the Consumer Protection Agencies. She NEVER mentioned that we offered her a REFUND. She said She returned everything to me and I refused give her a refund. SEE ATTACHMENT 5. Her own letter is proof that She LIED. In Her own letter She contradicts herself. She says She would not return anything until first She receives her refund. She FALSELY claimed She already returned everything. She simply forgets what She LIED.

No business in the World would give a refund without the merchandise being returned first.

None of her complaints ever mentioned that She was offered a full refund but She did not wanted it. She wanted to be a "PROFESSIONAL VICTIM" instead. She had years of entertainment by crying "VICTIM".

She made many calls to the State Attorney and LIED every time.

Unfortunately She LIED to all Consumer Protection Agencies and She LIED to me. Her signature is WORTHLESS and every word She says is a LIE!

She continues to post nasty messages.

All She can claim is that She read about others, She can’t say that I defrauded her in any way.

Lisa was aggravated by reading negative postings by others. Negative postings against my business at the FRIENDS IN BUSINESS SITE? All postings are FALSE. The dates are missing. The problems featured are 20 years old and were all investigated, solved and closed. There is not a single VALID complaint anywhere! This FRIENDS IN BUSINESS SITE misleads her readers. Twenty year old stuff sounds recent when you remove the dates.

She was especially aggravated by a Preacher’s FALSE postings. This person’s money was fully refunded by a check. He cashed the check and on the same day he demanded his money back the second time from Pay Pal. He was quickly apprehended for FRAUD. SEE ATTACHMENT 6. Prosecutors made him send me this Email.

I knew all about Lisa. She is mentally ill and retarded due to all the drugs She took. I tried to make a deal with Her about stopping all her postings against me. Non stop for 2 years! She refused. She will not stop until She kills me She says. At the same time She is with God now.

I tried to help Her. I gave Her a good honest job. She started making money.

But She is a retard, She turned against me.

One more thing: SEE ATTACHMENT 2. After She signed up with me She started making money immediately. She says She received a $50 bill. So what is Her complaint?

I hate to post your criminal records and willing to remove it when you stop bothering me:

Public Records
Administrative Office of the Courts
Nashville City Center, Suite 600
511 Union St.
Nashville, TN 37219

Report shows that She was arrested twice for shoplifting. Arrested for possession and dealing drugs. Presently She has no visible income. Her occupation shows that She is a prostitute. Her records show several arrests and according to her medical records at the time of arrest She was HIV +. Probation Officers records shows that She is not allowed to have unprotected contacts with male. She is paying no rent in a duplex. According to the Probation Officers note She sleeps with the landlord for the rent. Ms. Talbert offered to an investigator “To give all help in Court against Koltay, including perjury, anything to stop him.” She was willing to commit perjury and offered it to help a third party in a Small Claims Court in Maryland. Lisa testified against Her own PIMP and as result He is in jail. He claims that Lisa LIED in court when She testified against Him. He is very unhappy sitting in jail due to Lisa’s PERJURY. Lisa stole His money, He beat up Lisa. He is in jail for 12 years. Lisa, this deeply religious person, placed Her hand on the Bible, LIED, LIED and LIED to the Judge. As result, She is free and the pimp is in jail.

SEE ATTACHMENT 8. Lisa admits most of the charges.