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<bgsound src="Destiny_Island.mid" loop=infinite>

--The Islands

-:The Furs!:-






Destiny Islands images and music © Disney and Squaresoft 2002. Characters, text, and additional material copyrighted to their respective owners.
The Destiny Islands.

Waves crashed onto the gleaming white sand, staining it a light brown...the water receeded, the sand returned to white, and another wave crashed onto the shore. The constant flow of waves was quickly making three sets of footprints vanish...removing evidence of their presence grain by tiny grain.

Two of the sets of prints were clearly canine paws. They were side-by-side, as if their owners had been merrily chatting while they strolled along. The shape and size of the prints, and the indentations left by claws, could have only been those of wolves. The third set was further away, a few feet to the right. It seemed this person was wearing heavy combat boots, and was also lagging behind a bit, since the prints were behind the others and deeper.

About twenty feet down the shore was the trio that had left these tracks. They were an odd group. Two males...yes, both were obviously wolves, and a cat-like female.