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My Home Page


8.18.03 I added the "SubCouncil" link.It will start when our next layout comes up.EVeryone has a chance!But you have to be able to be on during the school days.

8.17.03 HEy guys im back from my little vacation.I went with sniperpnoi007 (hes my cuosin).Just wanting to say im back.I posted a message board telling im back.Sorry if you guys didnt know about it.Tomorrow ill update evreything from contests and stuff.Im alos making new banners and thinking about a subcouncil.And since school is starting soon,im may be inactive,so i need a council member that can be on everyday.

8.14.03 Put up new FLCL layout.Looks good right?Im gonna be gone Friday through sunday to go to orlando.

8.10.03 Well congratulations to nayroi for making council!Woot!
*One more spot left!

8.9.03 Yup i added a section called userlookups.But instead of it being premade look ups i instead gave a little tutorial on how to make/edit your own userlookups^_^.Hope you like it!

8.7.03 Guild webbie is alomost done.I updated the contests and stuff so go check em out now.
