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Welcome to my little graphics site!

I will try and get up as much as i can, also in the future there might be other things here such as fan fics and artwork done be me and my friends. Oh, one more thing before you start to look around, I will not make any graphics with neopets images because that is breaking the terms and conditions. And if i was to do this could take legal action against me, which out be a VERY bad thing! If you do not find what you are looking for at this site there is another great site you can check out that also has my graphics on it along with many others. Click HERE to go to that site.

Feel free to take a look around my site and make sure to sign the guestbook and let me know what you think of my little site so far!

Make sure to also check out the links section on my site to visit other sites that i like or have used graphics from.