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Alex Wang


Home Page

About Myself

My Journal


Media Section

The Forumshtt


News of: July 31, 2003 2:40 PM ---Advertise...

Check these out:           

   Spider-Man 2, looks great                        My friend Stephen again
   click the pic to check out                        Click his pic, to enter his
   my friend, Pete's site for                          site Bam_Reloaded
   more information

Click this link to go to my friend Kim's Hilary Site
Also located in the affiliates section...

Alright I'm off to test my friends digicam. Might go to Disneyland soon so i'll take some pics and put em up.


 Site Update and News: July 27, 2003 5:12 PM ---More Changes

The site is still going through some phases-... Anyways I was checking out my digital camera, to see if it took pictures well, and uh...well here take a look:

My computer-crappy quality            My Neighbor's house-crappy quality

My computermy neighbors house 
My room-okay quality-cause it's my webcam...
My room
The two pics above are from my digital camera, so i give its rating a....3/10  the quality is bad as you can tell......gotta get a new digicam.

News of: July 26, 2003 10:45 PM ---A little busy

Sorry if I haven't been updating lately, it's just a lot of hectic things have been happening, i'll be sure to add more things into the pictures section, the media section and i'll try to update my journal, if I have time.


Site Update: July 22, 2003 2:05 PM ---Tired as heck!

I just finished relocating all my webpages to zerofan. I'm tired right now. Now, i'm gonna start working on the site itself. Make some good link buttons. I added 1 pic. and 1 media thing in the sections. Check it out. More work to be done.


Site Update: July 21, 2003 4:13 AM

So far the site is still being in the updating process. I'm going to try to finish everything by the end of the week and hopefully have everything back to normal.


Site Update: July 19, 2003 4:13 AM

Well, i'm moving to a better host later on today. Thanks to Jerome, the owner of Hilfan and Zerofan, i'll get a better host on his site. Thanks to P for well...getting me to do a site. Heh, hopefully, later on by the end of the week. I'll have the site improved. Well that's all for now.


News of: July 19, 2003 1:26 AM

I finally got this thing to work, it's been being neglected pdated and I still needand making me angry. Anyways I got my journal u more members for my forums, so check up on that.                                                              


 This site exists by Zerofan. Creator: Alex Wang, My personal website.

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